Expert Interview


ENCORE: The Effects of Altered States of Consciousness, Part 2
June 28, 2018
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Norman Rosenthal, a clinical psychologist who has studied the effects of altered states of consciousness achieved by TM (Transcendental Meditation). Click HERE for part 1.




Is Coffee a Superfood? Part 1
June 26, 2018
Dr. Steven Helschien does a deep-dive on the benefits of coffee. Once reviled as bad for the heart, new research is vindicating coffee, and even showing that caffeine delivers cardiac benefits without increasing the risk of hypertension or cardiac arrhythmias. How many servings are optimal? What other substances in coffee are beneficial? What about claims that the acrylamides in coffee can cause cancer? Is it important for coffee to be organic? Coffee also appears to counteract depression and protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases. It’s also helpful for the liver, combatting fatty liver, gallstones, and liver cancer. There are additional protective effects vs. metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Caffeine is also a proven ergogenic agent for sport, and may facilitate weight loss. Dr. Helschien describes how his quest for the perfect functional food led to the development of antioxidant-rich Purity Coffee. Click HERE for part 2.




Is Coffee a Superfood? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Steven Helschien about the protective effects of coffee. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: A Promising Cognitive-Enhancing Nutraceutical, Part 1
June 21, 2018
Bacopa is a promising cognitive-enhancing nutraceutical. Harvard-trained Dr. Stephen Olmstead, Chief Science Officer for Prothera, a maker of supplements dispensed by health professionals, joins us to discuss the evidence supporting Bacopa’s brain effects. Bacopa has been used traditionally for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine to enhance memory and performance. Modern studies show it works on a variety of levels to support mental function: neuroprotective; antioxidant; enhancer of synaptic plasticity; and anti-anxiety. It is suitable for children suffering from ADD/ADHD, young students desirous of better grades or test scores, middle-aged individuals who are concerned with job performance and juggling the complexities of life, as well as the aged suffering from memory loss. Dr. Olmstead discusses the importance of standardization, which ensures that the active components of Bacopa, bacosides A & B, are there in therapeutic amounts. The product “Keen Mind” by Prothera is uniquely standardized to match clinical data supporting Bacopa for cognitive enhancement. How much to take? Are there side effects or cautions? Dr. Olmstead, an expert on chelation therapy, comments on the success of the recent TACT trial; he also describes his work on nutraceutical products to combat biofilms. Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: A Promising Cognitive-Enhancing Nutraceutical, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Stephen Olmstead, Chief Science Officer for Prothera, about Bacopa, a promising cognitive-enhancing nutraceutical. Click HERE for part 1.




Homeopathy Under Attack, Part 1
June 19, 2018
Homeopathic educator Dana Ullman, M.P.H., C.C.H., founder and director of Homeopathic Educational Services ( weighs in on the current controversies surrounding homeopathy. Britain’s National Health Service has suspended payments to homeopathic MDs, and the FDA is proposing new regulations for homeopathic products. Concerns have been raised over possible toxicity of homeopathic teething remedies. Is it true that the FDA is threatening to outlaw homeopathy? How does homeopathy work when classic physics tells us that there is very little material substance in homeopathic remedies? Why do patients receiving homeopathic treatments undergo “healing crises”? Are the infinitesimal amounts of powerful ingredients like belladonna and arsenic in homeopathic remedies potentially dangerous? What scientific proof exists that homeopathy benefits extend beyond a placebo effect? Why is it difficult to perform research on homeopathy? Click HERE for part 2.




Homeopathy Under Attack, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with homeopathic educator Dana Ullman, M.P.H., C.C.H., founder and director of Homeopathic Educational Services ( Click HERE for part 1.




Reducing Your Risk for High Blood Pressure, Part 1
June 14, 2018
Jim LaValle, nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and author of "Your Blood Never Lies," does a deep-dive on high blood pressure and how to be proactive to reduce your risks. Why is high blood pressure, or hypertension, known as the “silent killer”? What are the “Key Risk Factors” for high blood pressure; how do you know if you're at risk? What are some of the steps we can take to reduce our risk of high blood pressure? What role can Kyolic’s Blood Pressure Health Formula 109 play? Click HERE for part 2.




Reducing Your Risk for High Blood Pressure, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jim LaValle, nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, and board-certified clinical nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.




Media Distortion and Deception Against Supplements, Part 1
June 12, 2018
A recent study was widely reported by the media as demonstrating that “most vitamins are ineffective." Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of numerous books including "From Fatigued to Fantastic," "Pain-Free 1-2-3," and his latest, "Diabetes is Optional," weighs in with a critique. He says it’s part of a larger problem of media distortion and deception. His suggestion: Tune out, and look for more reliable sources of information. The study in question could actually be interpreted as support for supplements for cardiovascular disease prevention because folic acid and B12 reduced the risk of stroke. Teitelbaum critiques the use of cheap, generic multivitamins in the study. It didn’t look at natural broad-spectrum mixed tocopherols or carotenoids, and it ignored the role that significant amounts of magnesium, vitamin K, or vitamin D might play in prevention. He then outlines a more comprehensive approach for consumers to adopt to obtain balanced health information. His new favorite botanical for diabetes prevention and treatment: Hintonia Latiflora. Find more information at and Click HERE for part 2.



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