Expert Interview


Xylitol: A Natural and Successful Approach to Oral Care, Part 1
June 18, 2019
“Dental Self-Health” and what we can do to gain and maintain great dental health. Studies back the claim that xylitol prevents cavities and is the best option to prevent tooth decay. What about gum disease? What’s the best way to utilize xylitol? Dr. John Peldyak, D.M.D. was a member of the University of Michigan research group investigating sugar substitutes. He also worked with prevention programs for Head Start and Mobile Dentists, and is a founding member of the American Association for Oral and Systemic Health. Click HERE for part 2.




Xylitol: A Natural and Successful Approach to Oral Care, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. John Peldyak, D.M.D, founding member of the American Association for Oral and Systemic Health. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: “Nutritional Medicine,” Part 1
June 13, 2019
Dr. Alan Gaby, the author of "Nutritional Medicine," the most authoritative textbook ever on therapeutic applications of diet and supplements to a multitude of disease states. "Nutritional Medicine" has been 36 years in the making, and the new updated 2nd edition adds 1700 brand new study references, and is now available in a searchable electronic edition. When skeptical MD’s argue “But where are the studies?” the 19,000 research papers cited in "Nutritional Medicine" should allay their reservations. How do subclinical hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies, hidden food allergies, and blood sugar instability hijack health? What role for vitamin B6? Are allergy tests a good way to predict what foods you should eat? Dr. Gaby shares skepticism about mega-dosing with two popular nutrients; Is sunlight really better than vitamin D pills? He describes his role in popularizing the “Myer’s Cocktail” intravenous vitamin protocol. Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: “Nutritional Medicine,” Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Alan Gaby, the author of "Nutritional Medicine," the most authoritative textbook ever on therapeutic applications of diet and supplements. Click HERE for part 1.




Medical Myths and Outright Lies Told to Patients by Their Doctors, Part 1
June 11, 2019
In "Lies My Doctor Told Me," Dr. Ken Berry demolishes common health misconceptions. For over 10 years, while caring for more than 20,000 patients, Dr. Berry has been researching the medical myths and outright lies told to patients by their doctors. They range from unsubstantiated assumptions about cholesterol, saturated fat and salt, to rigid adherence to restrictive guidelines about hormone replacement and thyroid support. Dr. Ken Berry is a stalwart defender of the Paleo-Carnivore diet approach, and dismisses claims by vegan activists. Why is fake health news so prevalent? What can patients do to hold health professionals more accountable? Click HERE for part 2.




Medical Myths and Outright Lies Told to Patients by Their Doctors, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Ken Berry, author of "Lies My Doctor Told Me." Click HERE for part 1.




Cryotherapy: Reboot the Brain and Body, Part 1
June 6, 2019
Cryotherapy with Dr. Daniel Fenster. How brief bouts of ultra-cold exposure can reboot the brain and body. Dr. Fenster is author of "Cryotherapy: The Secret to Staying Young" and clinic director of Complete Wellness NYC. How is it done? Is it safe? Are there medical contraindications? Why prominent professional athletes are flocking to cryotherapy to address injuries and facilitate recovery; How “thermal stress” promotes autophagy, a key anti-aging pathway; What cryotherapy can do to stimulate production of brown fat—the good, fat-burning kind; The role of cryotherapy in alleviating pain; Cold exposure’s mood-enhancing effects; Its surprising impact on sleep; Can it be used for fibromyalgia or arthritis? Why is it thought that cryotherapy may have cosmetic benefits? How many treatments does it take? Click HERE for part 2.




Cryotherapy: Reboot the Brain and Body, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Daniel Fenster, author of "Cryotherapy: The Secret to Staying Young." Click HERE for part 1.




“Am I Dying?!” Part 1
June 4, 2019
"Am I Dying?! (Should You Chill Out or Freak Out?)." We interview Christopher Kelly, MD, co-author of this great practical guide to common complaints (Wish I’d thought of that catchy title!). In this age of information overload, fostered by the Internet, “cyberchondria” is stoked by dire on-line recitations of possible outcomes of common complaints: “Is that new mole melanoma?” “Why can’t the doctors figure out why I’m suddenly losing weight?” “Is my forgetfulness a portent of Alzheimer’s?” “Do my swollen ankles mean I’m headed for heart failure?” “Why am I breathless while on a ski vacation?” “Will my slight hand tremor morph into full-blown Parkinson’s Disease?” Dr. Kelly attempts to strike a common-sense balance between appropriate vigilance and gentle reassurance. As a recent graduate of a demanding medical fellowship, he also addresses the epidemic of physician burnout. Click HERE for part 2.




“Am I Dying?!” Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Christopher Kelly, MD, co-author of a great practical guide to common complaints "Am I Dying?!: (Should You Chil Out or Freak Out) A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms--and What to Do Next." Click HERE for part 1.



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