Vitamin K


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 14, Part 2
April 16, 2018
New blood test for Alzheimer’s Disease is so precise, it could forecast it 30 years ahead—but is it ready for prime time? Left bundle branch block, could it be related to Lyme Disease? Is it OK to use vitamin K after mitral valve repair? What to do for frequent bladder infections; The “Selfie Effect”—is this why plastic surgery rates are soaring among Millennials? World’s oldest man, 112, shares surprising diet advice. Natural support for ALS. Exercise can be a very effective way to combat depression—so why don’t doctors prescribe it? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 21, 2018
Benefits of the Longevity Diet. Have you heard about the use of mustard seed powder with sulforaphane? It can increase it's bioavailability significantly. I'm confused about the different forms of vitamin K, can you clarify? I heard that magnesium counteracts certain other supplements, is this true? Which form of magnesium can help both anxiety and muscle tension and aches? Click HERE for part 2.



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