Q&A with Leyla


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Supplement/Drug Interactions
July 3, 2019
I'm taking a choline supplement to help lower homocysteine but it worsens my Trimethylaminuria (TMA); Can Eliquis interact with melatonin and cause bleeding issues?; I've been taking testosterone for 10 years. Is there any harm in taking Fennugreek and/or DHEA?; Could you comment on the meta-analysis showing Vitamin D doesn't reduce cardiovascular risk? Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: June is Men’s Health Month
June 26, 2019
Enteral diet found helpful in children with Crohn's disease; June is Men's Health Month; My brother-in-law has a Hemoglobin A1c of 6.4 and was advised by his trainer to eat steel cut oats instead of regular oatmeal; What supplements should I take to prepare for dental implant surgery? Are there concerns about all the foreign material used?; What causes a low amino acid profile on the Nutri-Eval test? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: HPV

My husband has osteoporosis and can't tolerate strontium because it makes him gag. Is there another remedy?; I take antibiotics for dental procedures due to my bilateral knee replacements and subsequent revisions; My last White Blood Cell count was 3.5. Should I be concerned?; Could you comment on the connection with HPV and cancer? Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Low Calorie Diets
June 19, 2019
How you eat equals how you look; How low-calorie diets actually make us eat more; Can aspirin bring down my Lp(a)?; Will the green tea in Endefen keep me up at night? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: How to Choose a Probiotic

Whenever I eat eggs I get IBS symptoms after my next meal a few hours later. Do I have to give them up?; How good is Robuvit for increasing energy?; Has my weekly migraine kept my heart healthy by forcing me to fast?; What's the difference between Bergamot BPF and regular bergamot? Is one more beneficial?; I'm experiencing tingling in my left arm and sometimes my left leg. Am I headed for a heart attack?; There are so many different probiotics. How do I choose? How should I take them? Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Chicken v. Red Meat
June 12, 2019
Chicken as bad as red meat in raising cholesterol; How many of your patients with an infected tooth have been able to remedy it through holistic means?; My platelet count has been dropping over the years. Should I be concerned?; Since the nitrate in beetroot needs to be reduced twice in order to get the nitric oxide benefit, do you recommend antioxidants like vitamin C to ensure this outcome? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Barrett’s Esophagus

My oncologist recommended aromatase inhibitors following my mastectomy but I find them intolerable. Anything else I can do?; What would you recommend for my 40-year-old daughter with congestive heart failure?; My most recent DEXA scan showed improvement in my spine and hip but my femoral neck decreased. Why?; My bone mineral density improved greatly with strontium citrate!; My doc says I have to take omeprazole for Barrett's esophagus but it inhibits the absorption of minerals like magnesium. What to do? Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Burnout
June 5, 2019
Burnout is now a medical diagnosis; Leyla has an article about artificial sweeteners raising blood sugar and contributing weight gain but provides no evidence in her assertions. Where's her proof? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: MRSA Infection at the Gym
May 29, 2019
When it comes to strokes, no need to skip yolks; Which brand or type of curcumin is the most bioavailable?; Should I exercise in a fasted state in the morning, or after a meal later in the day?; I had my ovaries removed 5 years ago and now I can't lose weight!; What do you do to protect yourself against a possible MRSA infection at the gym? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Melatonin Gummy

Why does my husband fall asleep after ANYTHING he eats?; What anti-histamine is appropriate for my 2-year-old grandson with one kidney?; How can I help my 63-year-old mother who is in a care facility with Crohn's disease and dementia?; Do you recommend regular use of spirulina?; My 4-year-old grandson sleeps much better with a melatonin gummy at bedtime. Will he become dependent? Click HERE for part 1.



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