Pediatric Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
February 7, 2018
I'm a 72-year-old male recently diagnosed with diverticulitis, what can I do to minimize my chances of recurrence? My wife is 12 weeks pregnant and found to have very high levels of B12 which are claimed by some to be associated with autism, should she stop taking her multi? My 40-year-old daughter-in-law needs to have gallbladder surgery, what protocols do you recommend so she can heal faster afterward? Click HERE for part 1.




Kids’ Exposure to Electronic Media, Part 1
February 6, 2018
A conversation with the “Mediatrician”, Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician whose practice and research center around kids’ exposure to electronic media. He recently supported a stockholder initiative to persuade Apple to offer more options for parents to shape their children’s media exposure. Are the big social media companies compromising our children’s well-being for the sake of more ad clicks? What are the health consequences—physical and mental—of kids’ heavy use of social media? How does it contribute to obesity? To depression and suicidality? To poor school performance? To sleep deprivation? Why prohibition is not the answer; Is there such a thing as “internet addiction”? Should kids below a certain age have zero screen time? Dr. Rich offers tips to parents and grandparents via his column “Ask the Mediatrician” at the website of his Center on Media and Child Health at Click HERE for part 2.




Kids’ Exposure to Electronic Media, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with the “Mediatrician”, Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician whose practice and research center around kids’ exposure to electronic media. Click HERE for part 1.




Leyla Weighs In
December 29, 2017
Low prenatal red meat intake tied to kids' substance misuse; Gum disease tied to yet another deadly illness.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 16, Part 2
December 18, 2017
Olive polyphenols forestall bone loss; If you have high cholesterol but your scan shows zero coronary artery plaque, do you still need a statin? Is Bergamot an alternative for lowering cholesterol? The latest edition of Doctors Behaving Badly; Why it’s important to balance your calcium/magnesium ratio; What’s the link between air pollution and juvenile delinquency? New evidence that Lyme bacteria resist antibiotics and hide from tests; Hot tea lowers eye pressure in glaucoma; More preemies seen when babies born within 1 kilometer of fracking sites; Family meals improve kids’ mental and physical health; Does ginkgo biloba improve outcomes for stroke sufferers? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




The Many Exciting Benefits of Sulforaphane, Part 1
August 29, 2017
Sulforaphane is one of the most exciting nutrients in the integrative medicine armamentarium, harnessing the chemo-preventive benefits of cruciferous vegetables. It is no mere passing fad—its value is substantiated by numerous scientific studies. Today we talk to an expert on sulforaphane, Dr. David Haase, Chief Medical and Innovation Director for XYMOGEN, a maker of high-quality nutraceuticals dispensed by health professionals. Sulforaphane is chemopreventive; it has exhibited activity against a wide range of cancers. In addition, it is neuroprotective; it may slow neurodegenerative processes in the brain, hence its application to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, and even autism, where a recent study showed it improved speech and behavior. Animal research suggests it might even be an adjunct to weight loss. And it is a strong detoxifier, which explains its role in ameliorating allergies. How best to harness the benefits of sulforaphane from food? What if you can't stand the taste of cruciferous vegetables? Will supplements deliver equivalent sulforaphane benefits? What supplements are backed by research? Is there a danger of suppressing thyroid function due to goitrogenic effects of compounds in cruciferous vegetables? Sulforaphane and Sulforaphane ES are now available online from Dr. Hoffman's supplement store at Fullscript. Click HERE for part 2.




How to Prevent Autism, Part 1
August 24, 2017
"How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals." Who better than the mother of an autistic child to write a book detailing present knowledge about prevention and treatment of autism? Interviewing eight top health professionals, Dana Berger explains how vaccines, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, genetic susceptibility, food intolerances, and microbiome disruption create a perfect storm for the neuroinflammation that results in autistic behaviors. Why is autism reaching epidemic proportions in industrialized countries? How do MTHFR variants set the stage for autism? How did helminth therapy--with live worms!--help Dara's child? Why do GMO foods contribute to autism risk? Why should vaccines not be dismissed as innocuous? How can parents prepare to optimize pregnancy outcomes? What supplements are crucial? How can the Specific Carbohydrate Diet help? Berger's previews her next project: a comprehensive documentary on natural treatment for autism and childhood developmental disorders. Click HERE for part 2.




How to Prevent Autism, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dara Berger, author of "How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals." Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Screen Addiction Among Kids, Part 1
August 8, 2017
The devastating effects of screen addiction among kids: Dr. Nicholas Kardaras discusses his book “Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Our Kids and How to Break the Trance.” Why do experts now refer to an epidemic of "digital crack” afflicting children and teenagers? Do the brain changes associated with screen addiction resemble those of alcohol and drug abuse? Can hooked individuals go through physical and psychological withdrawal? How can you tell if your kid is screen addicted? Are schools doing youngsters a disfavor by giving them touchscreen devices in the classroom? How are conditions like psychosis, depression, anxiety, ADD and ADHD, aggressive behavior, moodiness, insomnia, obesity and metabolic syndrome linked to screen time? Are there ANY redeeming features to digital proficiency for success in the modern world? Are children becoming desensitized to violence? What will be the effects of new holographic and 3D technologies? How can you set limits for kids’ use of electronic devices? How young is too young? What initiatives are certain countries taking to stem the tide of digital dependency? What’s a “digital detox”? Why should parents sign a “Technology Opt-Out Letter"? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Screen Addiction Among Kids, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, author of "Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking our Kids and How to Break the Trance." Click HERE for part 1.



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