Nutrition & Weight


Diet and Detox Advice from Nutrition Luminary Ann Louise Gittleman, Part 1
January 6, 2016
We kick off the New Year with diet and detox advice from nutrition luminary Ann Louise Gittleman, author of “Eat Fat—Lose Weight.” Ann Louise has been way out in front of the new trend to shed outmoded low-fat diet orthodoxy and embrace healthy fats. She offers practical suggestions for how to undertake your own personal detox program to inaugurate the New Year. Is juicing advisable? How can you take the edge off carbohydrate withdrawal? What’s the cortisol connection to holiday energy drain? What new beauty breakthroughs can help rebuild collagen? What nutrients will take center-stage in 2016? Click HERE for part 2.




Diet and Detox Advice from Nutrition Luminary Ann Louise Gittleman, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ann Louise Gittleman, author of “Eat Fat—Lose Weight.” Click HERE for part 1.




The Dorito Effect, Part 1
November 16, 2015
Dr. Hoffman returns tomorrow with all-new episodes of Intelligent Medicine. Today, please enjoy this encore of the most downloaded Intelligent Medicine interview ever. Mark Schatzker talks about his book, "The Dorito Effect: The Surprising Truth About Food and Flavor." Why do modern tomatoes suffer from “nutritional brownout?” Why do today’s jumbo-sized “cardboard chickens” require so much in the way of hyped-up flavorings, fried breading and sauces to be palatable? How have food scientists hijacked our taste buds to produce addictive, high-calorie, non-nutritious foods? What is “McRegret"? In our current “obesogenic" food environment, can we still say that obesity is just a moral failing or a matter of gluttony? Naturally-tasty, unadulterated ingredients are the answer, but won’t all those artisanal, grass-fed, or heirloom foods be cost-prohibitive? Will we still be able to feed the planet with fresh, locally-grown, small-scale agricultural products? Mark Schatzker reveals how a food Renaissance is talking place, wherein consumers are demanding more flavorful, nutritious, unadulterated food; And, food producers are responding, with more tasty, natural alternatives to industrially-processed, factory-farmed foods; What can the average consumer do to “live long and eat flavorfully’? Can this approach help failed dieters recover their appetite equilibrium? Click HERE for part 2.




The Dorito Effect, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his coversation with mark Schatzker, author of 'The Dorito Effect: The Surprising Truth About Food and Flavor." Can this approach help failed dieters recover their appetite equilibrium? Click HERE for part 1.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 7, Part 1
November 9, 2015
Improvements in the American diet have saved over a million lives since 1999; Diet trends suggest (at least some) Americans are getting the message: Soda sales down 25%, O.J. consumption down 45%, sugary cereals down 25%, frozen dinners down 12%, and vegetable consumption up 10%; Oligonol, a new bio-available polyphenol derived from lychee, promotes circulation, combats Raynaud’s Syndrome; MK-7 vitamin K helps bones, prevents loss of height due to spinal compression, and reverses arterial stiffness; Xylitol alert: beneficial for humans, but keep it away from pets! Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 7, Part 2

Extremism in the defense of health is no vice! “Everything in moderation” diet advice may lead to fatter waistlines; Intravenous vitamin C shows cancer benefits in hard-to-treat chemo-resistant tumors; American Museum of Natural History debuts Microbiome exhibit. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 31, Part 1
November 2, 2015
Obese kids who cut out sugar (but not carbs!) see dramatic improvements in metabolism in just 10 days; Halloween becomes Ground Zero in the War on Sugar; Statin drugs found to render flu shots less effective; How Mets' World Series hero David Wright conquered his spinal stenosis; Cryotherapy technician dies in liquid nitrogen chamber; New study show most of world's population has herpes. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 31, Part 2

Cutting carbs is far more effective than a low-fat diet according to huge new Harvard study; Why cheese is like crack; Is Strontium dangerous? Dangers of micro-particles. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In: What Constitutes a Meal?
October 23, 2015
How protein drinks compare to meals and the benefits of whey protein. Is your green smoothie a friend or foe? And when to take your probiotics.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 10
October 12, 2015
Sugary drinks laden with high fructose corn syrup increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes—OK, we already knew that. But new studies show that a) they can rewire the brain and stoke junk food addiction, and b) they increase the likelihood that head injuries will result in long-term cognitive deficits! Metabolic syndrome increases requirements for vitamin E; Patients who undergo gastric bypass have higher risks of suicide—why? Tough love for 800 pound patient who ordered pizza; Carbs can take toll on sperm counts; A new portable device that you can bring to the restaurant to detect tiny amounts of gluten in your food; New evidence that fibromyalgia is a magnesium deficiency disorder; Aspirin may prove a potent weapon against cancer; 84 year old Ironman contestant: “We all get knocked down in life, but the winners are the ones who get back up.” Half of patients suffer ill effects of properly prescribed drugs. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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