Nutrition & Weight


The Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet, Part 1
January 15, 2019
"Real Food Keto" by Jimmy and Christine Moore is the latest in a series of international best-sellers by the host of the Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show. What are the benefits of the ketogenic diet? Is it for everyone? What’s the “keto flu”? What happens when you become “keto-adapted”? How does the keto diet enhance mood and mental clarity? What are some of the mistakes people make when they undertake extreme carb-restriction? Does keto dieting necessitate eating tons of meat? How long can you maintain ketosis? What monitoring tools are now available to provide feedback that you’re achieving ketosis? How do you address criticisms from mainstream nutritionists that, while the keto diet can offer short-term weight loss dividends, it’s unhealthy in the long term? Can you eat vegetables and fiber-rich foods? How can intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating augment the benefits of the keto diet? What is the latest research saying about the benefits of the keto diet? How have the latest finding refined the Atkins approach? Is the keto movement becoming co-opted by opportunistic marketers offering dubious keto products and supplements? Is the keto diet suitable for endurance athletes? Click HERE for part 2.




The Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jimmy and Christine Moore, the authors of "Real Food Keto." Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 12, Part 1
January 14, 2019
Is olive oil the new Viagra? Are you smarter in the fall? Is there an alternative to Amiodarone? Does DHEA increase risk for prostate cancer? A questionable diagnosis by a holistic doctor? What supplements can guard against the adverse effects of X-rays? Will putting an ice pack in your shorts help you conceive a slimmer baby? Men who eat soy have lower testosterone—true or false? A supplement that can counter statin-induced muscle pain and weakness; An aspirin-a-day doesn’t keep the doctor away? Glyphosate lawsuits add to Bayer woes after Monsanto acquisition; Low levels of acetyl-l-carnitine predict severity and duration of major depression; Low-carb diets superior to low-fat diets for Type 2 Diabetes; Fish oil augments benefits of low-carb diet for blood sugar control; Breastfed babies have better eating habits as toddlers. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In: How to Reduce Food Cravings
January 11, 2019
New review of scientific studies confirms food cravings can be reduced; alcohol intake may be key to long-term weight loss for people with diabetes.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 9, 2019
Flu shots offered at the Golden Globes? Carrageenan and Irish Moss, what's the difference? How much more research needs to be done in order to "validate" organic food superiority? How much MSM should I be taking?Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 5, Part 2
January 7, 2019
A “Dry January” may be the secret to better sleep, improved well-being, and weight loss; A caller seeks advice on her thyroid blood tests; New study exonerates eggs as contributor to diabetes; CV Sciences, makers of Plus CBD Oil, receives top industry award; Cranberry proanthocyanidins protect against esophageal cancer; The benefits of intermittent fasting; Smoking pot damages sperm; Soy sauce colon cleanse leaves UK woman brain dead; Breathalyzer tests show potential for early diagnosis of cancer; Sulforaphane shows potential to help weight loss, ward off diabetes; Opioids show scant benefits for long-term pain relief. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In: How to Achieve Your Health and Weight Goals in 2019
January 4, 2019
It's a New Year and a great time to implement small behavior changes to achieve your health and weight goals. Here's how.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 22, Part 2
December 24, 2018
Study identifies specific nutrients that light up brain scans; Nurses score high on “ethics and honesty”; Electrical stimulation, CBD and other alternatives to opiates for pain relief; Farm Bill ratification signals end to CBD prohibition; Natural prevention of urinary tract infections; Teen vaping hooks kids on nicotine with unforeseen health consequences; Big Tobacco circumvents cigarette restrictions with big investments in vaping; What does study of hunter-gatherers tell us about the ideal human diet? Elitist NY Times op-ed calls for censorship of “bad” health information on the Internet—even as Wikipedia and social media throttle down true information about natural alternatives. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In: High Fat Dairy
December 14, 2018
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin tackles this listener question: "I know you prefer high-fat dairy products. Can you comment on the study that shows that rates of Alzheimer's disease are rising everywhere people eat a lot of meat, sweets and high-fat dairy products?"




Leyla Weighs In: How to Prevent Frailty
December 7, 2018
Protein intake may help elderly maintain independence, study says; The importance of physical activity and protein intake in preserving lean body mass.



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Leyla Weighs In: Sleep Deprivation and Alzheimer’s Disease
