Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 6, Part 2
July 8, 2019
Antibiotics render people more vulnerable to flu virus, increase cardiovascular risk in older women; China controls 80% of world’s drug supply; Scientific evidence that clutter causes anxiety; Good bacteria suppress food allergies; The blood test you’ve never heard of that can predict whether you can forego statins; Coronary calcium score bests cholesterol measurement for heart risk assessment; Fast-tracking approval of pricey new drugs that don’t prolong life; A clinical trial will explore whether NT Factor alleviates fibromyalgia complaints; A test-drive of the Impossible Burger. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 29, Part 2
July 1, 2019
Is DEET safe for bug bite protection? Stem cells show promise for baldness cure; Celiac Disease vaccine strikes out; Binge-watching your favorite TV series may undermine your health; Nearly half of honey found adulterated with cheap sugar syrups; High LDL cholesterol associated with longevity in +60s; Chinese diet responsible for millions of deaths annually; 30 year study shows lifestyle modification reverses diabetes, extends longevity in insulin-resistant subjects; Americans ignore warnings, continue to consume processed meats; Patients with fibromyalgia have distinct pattern of gut bacteria; The over-the-counter supplement that may be a treatment for schizophrenia. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 22, Part 1
June 24, 2019
New study hails low-carb diet for diabetes—DUH!! After 20th Century gains, progress against cardiovascular disease has hit a wall—learn why; 1 in 7 heart deaths could be prevented—with fruits and vegetables; Adding fish oil to Plavix and aspirin—will it thin blood dangerously? Navy SEALs contemplate keto diet to offer performance edge; Could statin drugs or BP meds be causing this caller’s diarrhea? Colchicine for joint pain; Low vitamin D and estrogen promote heart disease in women; The human skull is changing in response to screen viewing. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 22, Part 2

Probiotics containing soil-based organisms (SBOs) might pose hazards; Athletes THINK they know more about supplements and nutrition than they do; A caller wonders what’s up with the white spot in the back of his throat; A controversial start-up offers “vampire blood” as a pricey anti-aging treatment; Fecal transplants can be dangerous; Viral FB posts urge parents of autistic kids to try the “bleach cure”; Spending 2 hours per week in nature associated with health and mood benefits; Study reveals why antibiotics may not be the cure for persistent Lyme Disease; Those popular sleep trackers may give you “orthosomnia”; Low vitamin K linked to reduced mobility with aging. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 15, Part 1
June 17, 2019
Paleolithic Spaniards ate mastodon meat 40,000 years ago, were avid for fat-laden bone marrow; The downside of all those branched-chain amino acids; Antibiotics, opiate pain meds too readily prescribed by dentists; Great-grandmother busted for CBD at Disney World; Homeopathic remedy vindicated in court case; Should you eat before morning exercise? Even city parks harbor Lyme Disease ticks. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 15, Part 2

Expensive biologic meds for arthritis, colitis, psoriasis linked to 34,000 deaths; UK’s health watchdogs unjustifiably ration needed cataract surgeries; Learning a language makes your brain grow; Lowering cholesterol too drastically may damage diabetics’ nerves; America is too dependent on China for its drugs; Ashwagandha for osteoporosis; Exercise is beneficial even in short bouts, and sitting isn’t “the new smoking”; Eat nuts during pregnancy to make your kids smarter. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 8, Part 1
June 10, 2019
25 cups of coffee OK for heart—REALLY?? California legislature exempts coffee sellers from frivolous cancer lawsuits; Blueberries for heart protection; Stent vs. bypass vs. meds—which is best for heart blockage? Even schizophrenics may benefit from gluten elimination; Millenials on track for unprecedented rates of diabetes, depression and digestive disorders; Civil war plant medicines show potential to eradicate drug-resistant bacteria; Heartburn drugs linked to higher risk of early death. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 8, Part 2

Chicken as bad as red meat when it comes to cholesterol—but does it matter? Decline in mitochondrial function might explain aging, memory loss; Should your daily goal really be 10,000 steps? Angels of death: German nurse, American doctor accused of killing scores of patients; Ironic origin of the meme “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”; Chinese doctors censured for altering DNA to produce HIV-proof babies; Excess Omega-3s in pregnancy may be harmful; Electronic medical records leave legacy of cost-overruns, dysfunction, medical errors, physician burnout. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 1, Part 2
June 3, 2019
Don’t fall for those pervasive radio ads for fruit and veggie pills—here’s why; LED lights are long-lasting and energy-efficient—but can damage your retina. Stress and cardiovascular disease; Doctor care lapses with late-day appointments; New malware can alter CT scans and MRIs with fake cancers, or delete real cancers; Depressed patients may get a wake-up call from deliberate sleep deprivation. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 25, Part 1
May 27, 2019
Agricultural revolution made hunter-gatherers’ lives harder—that’s progress?; New hi-tech toilet predicts heart failure; Doctors can’t figure out why this caller is losing weight; Scientists discover why coffee speeds intestinal transit; Is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy safe? Common food additive damages the gut, triggers disease; Why you’re three times more likely to have Parkinson’s Disease if you had your appendix out; Pet ownership linked to irritable bowel syndrome; The one-week cure for teenage insomnia. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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