Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 5, Part 2
July 7, 2014
The debate over mammograms heats up; a Physician's Declaration of Independence; Thrash-Metal fan suffers blood clot on brain from overzealous head-banging; Are green tea extracts harmful to the liver? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 28, Part 1
June 30, 2014
The latest poop on the real Paleo Diet; Watching too much TV may increase the risk of early death; Doctors, hospitals may be spying on your health habits; Pregnant mom's anti-depressant use may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes in offspring; Vitamin D deficiency & hypertension; Extra-virgin olive oil combats atrial fibrillation; Vitamin D deficiency may cause hypertension. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio show for June 28, Part 2

Aged Garlic Extract (Kyolic) slows progression of coronary artery plaque in new major study; HBOs John Oliver blows it in over-the-top critique of Mehmet Oz; Gluten-free diet relieves "brain fog" in celiac patients; Are kids really overdosing on vitamins from fortified cereals? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 21, Part 2
June 23, 2014
The #1 liver disease in America is caused by DIET! It already affects 20% of adults and an astounding 10% of children! By 2025 it will affect 25 million Americans and necessitate 5 million liver transplants per year! There is no magic prescription pill that will fix it. On today's broadcast we dish diet and supplement solutions for fatty liver disease; 15 year-old expelled from school for trading ADD meds for Cheez-Its--mother protests it's discrimination! Hamburgers increase risk for asthma--but is it about the meat? Should baldies rejoice--is a cure at hand? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 21, Part 1

Dr. Hoffman reflects on the Dr. Oz controversy; Viagra "frisky" might be melanoma risky; Diet queen to the stars fined for tainted supplements. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 14, Part 2
June 16, 2014
A devotee shares his remarkable success with olive leaf extract; higher levels of vitamin D protect against premature death; study reveals most over-estimate attainment of government-mandated exercise goals; similarly, more of us are overweight but refuse to acknowledge it. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 14, Part 1

Red meat increases risk of breast cancer--or does it? Other new study points to carbs as chief promoter of breast cancer; study of health reporting shows poor quality research is often seized upon and highlighted by health reporters; increased animal protein reduces risk of stroke; study implicates processed red meat but not non-processed red meat in heart failure deaths; sunscreen offers incomplete protection against skin cancer; Salmonella outbreak tied to Chia seed. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 7, Part 2
June 9, 2014
The debate over the best form of vitamin E: Is gamma tocopherol preferable to alpha tocopherol? Distinguished academics push back against supplement critics: is it really "case-closed" on supplement benefits? A caller with mysterious weight loss, a question about the right form of vitamin D to take, and more . . . Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 7, Part 1

Cynicism may increase risk of dementia; Secret to successful weight loss may lie in avoidance of night-time light exposure; Are blonds genetically "dumb"? Exercise boosts diversity of gut bacteria; End-of-life care for elderly often too aggressive--doctors often forego heroic treatments for themselves; Prophylactic mastectomy and oopherectomy over-used--is it over-the-top for Angelina Jolie to opt for "preventive" removal of her ovaries after having both breasts removed? Capsiate for weight loss; Marijuana pro and con: beneficial for autoimmune disease according to recent study, but bad (especially for young people) in so many ways--could CBD be the answer? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 31, Part 2
June 2, 2014
Geriatricians caution seniors that nutritional drinks like Boost and Ensure are no more than "liquid candy bars with vitamins"; flax seed lignans for breast cancer; probiotics for fatty liver, resveratrol for diabetes; EGCG from green tea for pancreatic cancer. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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