Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 3, Part 2
December 4, 2016
I took an internet quiz and it told me I needed to go on statins--what's up with that? Irony alert: Big Mac inventor dies at 98 and world's oldest woman at 117 eats eggs and eschews fruits and vegetables; Could Candida prompt a vaccine reaction? What's the difference between Azulfidine and Lialda for ulcerative colitis? Go outside and play--it's good for your eyes; ketogenic diet for pain control; Scurvy, once thought to be an ancient disease, makes a comeback; Exercise may keep your brain from shrinking--but not if you use anabolic steroids. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 26, Part 1
November 28, 2016
Catch up on some of the health stories you may have missed with this encore presentation of the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show, including a deep-dive into fall allergies. Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 26, Part 2

Catch up on the health stories you may have missed with this encore presentation of the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show, including groundbreaking research into the positive effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin on anxiety and depression. Click HERE for part 1.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 19, Part 1
November 21, 2016
Probiotics improve cognition in Alzheimer's Disease, support vision in wet macular degeneration; A caller complains her thyroid medications aren't working; What is "Moducare" and how best to take it? Iron deficiency can lead to false hemoglobin A1c results; More states legalize recreational marijuana amid new evidence of heart harms; Siri--do I have heart disease? Candida a key factor in Crohn's Disease. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 19, Part 2

NY Times gets election wrong, betrays readers with second epic fail on supplements; Pushback against vitamin D naysayers; E-cigarettes deliver respiratory problems; Will fish oil interfere with my blood thinner for atrial fibrillation? Popular heartburn medications raise risk for stroke; "Vampire" rejuvenation therapy taps blood transfusions from 18-year-olds. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 12, Part 1
November 14, 2016
Study calls into question sunscreen protection against melanoma; If you only have a certain time each week to exercise, is it better to have short sessions 5 days per week, or more intense workouts a couple of days per week? A listener asks why her husband experiences dizziness within an hour of eating breakfast? Sugary energy drinks and sleep deprivation—a vicious cycle? What, no antibiotics for diverticulitis? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 12, Part 2

Press uncritically parrots erroneous conclusion of report that Vitamin D is "over-rated," "potentially harmful;" Vitamin vs. breast cancer, bladder cancer, bipolar disorder, asthma; Are potatoes bad for the heart? Does fish oil prevent insulin resistance? Tai Chi for neck pain? Acupuncture for high blood pressure? Acai drink improves vascular function, fights free radicals; More states legalize pot—pros and cons; Full-fat dairy gets exonerated in new study. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 5, Part 1
November 7, 2016
It's gonna be a stressful week: First the return to standard time, then the election. Tempers flare in the cardiac rehab unit; Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder; If I have aortic valve calcification, should I stop taking calcium? Could stem cells go rogue? How effective is Proscar for an enlarged prostate? Will lighter running shoes deliver better times for NY Marathon contestants? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 5, Part 2

A deeply flawed study concludes that cranberry is "ineffective" for UTIs; When low cholesterol is a bad sign; Quercetin quenches rheumatoid arthritis; Genes may dictate whether you love or hate exercise; Men with early prostate cancer survive equally well with or without aggressive treatment; Just 3 low-carb meals can curb excess insulin; Consumers now more wary of sugar than of preservatives; Cocoa/EGCG combo inhibits appetite; Pomegranate repairs mitochondrial damage; Why do U.S. prescription drugs cost so much? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 29, Part 1
October 31, 2016
Consumption of dark roast coffee protects DNA from strand breaks; Lycopene supplements reverse LDL oxidation; Do greens, seaweed and soy damage the thyroid? I'm going for a physical--what tests should I ask for? I did the Whole30 diet--now what? Martie Whittekin, author of "The Probiotic Cure"--weighs in on Halloween diet perils, repairing the microbiome. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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