General Medicine


The Challenges Facing Our Healthcare System, Part 1
October 17, 2017
Dr. Halee Fischer-Wright is a physician and a medical management consultant with a keen perspective on the problems facing our health care system today. In her book, "Back to Balance: The Art, Science, and Business of Medicine," she writes: “The art of Medicine is being crowded out by the science of medicine.” Yes, we want more efficiency and precision, but medicine is losing its human touch. Electronic health record (EHR) systems have doctors peering into screens and not connecting with patients; perverse incentives have health professionals ticking off boxes to garner proper reimbursement, achieving “quality metrics” which may have little to do with patient well-being or satisfaction. Doctors are burnt-out and disenchanted, and leaving the profession in droves due to time pressure and overwhelming bureaucratic burdens. Dr. Fischer-Wright discusses strategies for reinvigorating the practice of medicine. Click HERE for part 2.




The Challenges Facing Our Healthcare System, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Halee Fischer-Wright, author of "Back to Balance: The Art, Science, and Business of Medicine." Click HERE for part 1.




The Evolution of Medicine, Part 1
October 11, 2016
The Evolution of Medicine” is a new book by functional medicine impresario James Maskell, a visionary whose goal it is to mainstream natural health care. What’s the future of integrative medicine? Can it be made more scalable and accessible to the masses? Is functional medicine just a fad, or will it ultimately take its place alongside orthodox medicine as a standard care model for the future? How will new technology and “wearables” help usher in a new era of patient care? How can integrative practitioners use simple practice tools to avoid burnout? Click HERE for part 2.




The Evolution of Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with functional medicine impresario James Maskell, a visionary whose goal it is to mainstream natural health care. He's author of "The Evolution of Medicine." Click HERE for part 1.




“The Supermarket Guru” on Food Trends, Part 1
January 19, 2016
Phil Lempert—"The Supermarket Guru”—joins Intelligent Medicine for a discussion of food trends: Are Americans really opting for higher quality foods? Why are big companies like Campbell’s breaking ranks from GMO “omertà”; Why are more manufacturers eliminating artificial flavorings and colorings? What’s the low-down on organic labeling? How about grass-fed beef? What are some of the big new food predictions for 2016? How is the sugar backlash impacting consumers? Why seafood from China may not be such a bargain; How “locally-grown” products are making a comeback; Why counterfeit foods may be bilking consumers. Click HERE for part 2.




“The Supermarket Guru” on Food Trends, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Phil Lempert—"The Supermarket Guru”—on food trends. Click HERE for part 1.




New, Cutting-Edge Medical Testing, Part 1
October 15, 2015
Testing in functional and integrative medicine. We speak to Dr. Russell Jaffe MD, Board-Certified Clinical Pathologist, a pioneer in developing custom testing for complementary physicians. Dr. Jaffe explains why, initially a skeptic, his intensive study of natural healing systems led him to embrace them wholeheartedly. What are the top 8 predictive biomarkers? Why do conventional tests not tell the complete story? How can we evaluate the effects of stress, free radicals, inflammation, and toxicity? What’s the best way to determine food and environmental sensitivities? How to ascertain whether you have adequate levels of key nutrients? Why do our genes influence our individual nutritional needs and lifestyle requirements? How an understanding of epigenetics can help us overcome our biologically-programmed Achilles’ heels, and develop a blueprint for health optimization. Click HERE for part 2.




New, Cutting-Edge Medical Testing, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Russell Jaffe MD, Board-Certified Clinical Pathologist, a pioneer in developing custom testing for complementary physicians. Click HERE for part 1.




A New Threat to Health Freedom in America, Part 1
July 14, 2015
Today we visit with a health crusader from “across the pond”—Dr. Rob Verkerk, Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA (, and Executive Director of ANH-International and ANH-Europe. Are European supplement regulations more stringent than those in the U.S.? Could new treaties and agreements that promise regulatory “harmonization” threaten health freedom in America? Should we worry about “Codex Alimentarius?” Does the single-payer medical system in the U.K. limit patient access to complementary physicians? How does the National Health Service stifle innovation? Why is homeopathy under attack in Britain? What about vaccine choice? Do Europeans have more freedom to steer clear of GMO products than Americans? How does foster integrative medicine? Click HERE for part 2.




A New Threat to Health Freedom in America, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Rob Verkerk about new treaties and agreements that promise regulatory “harmonization” with Europe that threaten health freedom in America? Click HERE for part 1.



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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: The Supplements Dr. Hoffman Takes
