Expert Interview


Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The scoop on poop
March 11, 2014
Dr. Mark Davis, ND, nationally-recognized authority on Fecal Transplantation, discusses treatment of serious GI disorders with nature’s own remedy—feces from healthy donors. Currently restricted by FDA rules to clinical trials for treatment of antibiotic-resistant C. dificile diarrhea, fecal transplantation offers hope for ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, IBS, and even autism and other autoimmune conditions.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Healing Heart Disease
March 6, 2014
Holistic cardiologist Dr. Roy Heilbron discusses his new book, "“Healing Heart Disease with Chelation Therapy:” TACT, the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, showed that chelation therapy was safe and offered dramatic protection against heart disease. But disappointingly, it’s still considered an “alternative” therapy and is shunned by the cardiology establishment. Double standard in medicine?




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The low-down on “male enhancement” products
March 5, 2014
Dr. Geo Espinosa weighs in on the pros and cons of various natural sexual enhancers. Which ingredients work, and which are a hype; what does the actual science tell us? When to use Viagra-like drugs, and when to seek natural aids. And what products to avoid at all costs. Additionally, Dr. Espinosa offers a sensible critique of the latest headlines that claim vitamin E and selenium can increase the risk of prostate cancer.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Do hospitals and the State have too much power over our medical care?
March 4, 2014
Diane O’Leary, Ph.D, medical ethicist and Executive Director of the Coalition for Diagnostic Rights, discusses the Justina Pelletier case: how medical authorities and government officials abrogated her parents' rights to pursue effective medical care for her mitochondrial disorder. A contempt of Court order against her father Lou Pelletier was just lifted, and she is being returned to the care of her original doctors. Do hospitals and the State have too much power over our medical care? Can they deny us the right to seek proper treatment and tell us “it’s all in your head”?




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Intestinal bacterial overgrowth
February 27, 2014
Everything you ever wanted to know about SIBO—Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Dr. Allison Siebecker on if you have gas, bloating, belching, flatulence, cramps, diarrhea and/or constipation, you might have SIBO. What are the causes? How to test? How to treat? What roles do natural vs. prescription drugs play in the eradication of SIBO? What diets work best? Do probiotics help?




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: What diets nourished our ancestors?
February 26, 2014
Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation visits Intelligent Medicine: What diets nourished our ancestors? Who are “Diet Dictocrats” and where did they go wrong? What’s wrong with soy? Is “Natural” agave a good alternative to sugar and high fructose corn syrup? Should we be restricting our salt and cholesterol like health authorities continually urge us to? What role does raw, unpasteurized dairy play in a healthy diet? What is “Bone Broth”? And why are organ meats so crucial to our health?




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Beating the winter blahs
February 25, 2014
Tips for Beating the Winter Blahs: Natural remedies for winter depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Guest Stuart Tomc of Nordic Naturals also weighs in on “The Krill Question”—is it superior to regular fish oil as is often claimed?




Intelligent Medicine: Extraordinary longevity
February 20, 2014
Dr. Hoffman takes a tour of "The Blue Zones”—lessons we can learn from places of extraordinary longevity; he takes the “Vitality Compass” test, and finds it lacking; dairy products increase risk of prostate cancer; a “Red Zone” of poor health is emerging in the Persian Gulf; the Justina Pelletier case—is her family “shopping” a medical explanation for their daughter’s mental condition, or is the State depriving the Pelletier’s of their right to health care self-determination?




Intelligent Medicine: Beating the winter blahs
February 18, 2014
Q&A with Leyla: Beating the winter blahs; a nutty contradiction in the book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter; best and worst nut oils; Calorease, another miracle weight loss breakthrough from Dr. Oz? Are cabbage family vegetables bad for the thyroid? The ideal bedtime snack; do kids need more fluoride?




Intelligent Medicine: Anti-supplement bias
February 14, 2014
Yet another negative story about supplements: antioxidants and resveratrol BAD for exercisers?? Dr. Hoffman drills down on the evidence (or lack thereof), and comes up with some surprising revelations of anti-supplement bias.



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