Expert Interview


Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Healing Fibroids Part 1
April 1, 2014
Dr. Allan Warshowsky, America’s foremost integrative GYN discusses his book "Healing Fibroids”: What is estrogen dominance? Why are bio-identical hormones superior to synthetic pharmaceutical drugs? The downsides of the birth control pill. Healing with acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, castor oil packs, and guided visualization. Plus, natural cures for polycystic ovaries (PCOS) and endometriosis.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The Remarkable Therapeutic Potential of Iodine P. 2
March 26, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The Remarkable Therapeutic Potential of Iodine P. 1

The Iodine Crisis: Why most us may be deficient in this critical nutrient, often overlooked and even spurned by mainstream medicine; the remarkable therapeutic potential of iodine, not just for the thyroid, but for breast disease, fibroids, fibromyalgia, obesity, fatigue and fibromyalgia, chronic infections, even psoriasis; how to test for iodine deficiency; what forms of iodine are best to take, and how to manage symptoms that might arise during the initial phases of iodine detoxification. Dr. H talks to Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Natural Treatment for Spring Allergies P. 2
March 25, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Dr. Benjamin Asher.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Natural Treatment for Spring Allergies P. 1

America's foremost integrative ENT talks about natural treatment for spring allergies: how allergies get started and why they're so prevalent; top anti-allergy supplements and natural products; diet tips for allergy sufferers; the Yeast Connection; glutathione IVs; an at-home, oral alternative to allergy shots




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Agenda Driven Dietary Guidelines? P. 2
March 21, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Erik Telford, senior vice president of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Agenda Driven Dietary Guidelines? P. 1

First Lady Michelle Obama recently unveiled a new nutrition labeling program as part of the White House’s ongoing campaign to curtail obesity. That sounds laudable, but are the new guidelines a thinly-veiled attempt by committed vegans and climate change activists to get Americans to give up animal protein? Are the guidelines science-based or politically-motivated? Do they potentially threaten the health of Americans dependent on Government programs? Dr. H speaks with Erik Telford, senior vice president of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Female Sexual Dysfunction P. 2
March 20, 2014
Part 2 of Dr. Hoffman's conversation with Dr. Madeline Castellanos, board-certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Female Sexual Dysfunction P. 1

Why do so many women complain of loss of libido and inability to achieve orgasm? Why do Viagra and testosterone work for men, but for women . . . not so much? The key to optimal sexual response: “PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!” A new medical breakthrough--electrical stimulation; are women pressured too much to perform like porn stars? Could your allergy medicine or cold remedy be impairing your sexual response? Are there natural aphrodisiacs for women? Dr. H. talks to Dr. Madeline Castellanos, board-certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Stress
March 12, 2014
How to deal with the pervasive problem of STRESS: Dr. Doni Wilson, author of The Stress Remedy: Master Your Body's Synergy and Optimize Your Health, weighs in with coping strategies. How are your adrenals? Are they over- or under-active? What are the signs of adrenal burnout? What are natural methods of adrenal support? As a certified mid-wife, Dr. Doni champions natural childbirth—what are the advantages? Is it safe? And what do “doulas" do?



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