Expert Interview


Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Thyroid Therapy, Part 1
May 23, 2014
One of the most valuable tools in the arsenal of the complementary doctor is thyroid therapy—identifying and treating hidden thyroid problems can provide incredible health breakthroughs for sufferers of a wide array of baffling symptoms. America’s Pharmacist Suzy Cohen discusses her new book, Thyroid Healthy—how sometimes conventional blood tests don’t reveal thyroid problems, the role of diet and supplements, how common drugs can interfere with thyroid function, and the different types of thyroid medications that can bring relief—"different strokes for different folks!”




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Second in our series about the human microbiome, Part 2
May 21, 2014
Jessica Richman describes the Ubiome project which plans to catalogue the bacteria in hundreds of thousands of humans to create a “library” of variations in our flora, designed to facilitate research and provide feedback to participants. You can have your stool, sweat, mouth, nasal, and genital secretions analyzed and interpreted at a very economical price and find out where you lie on the spectrum of normalcy vs. dysbiosis via Eventually, this data may be used to discover treatments for autism, heart disease, cancers of the GI tract, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, allergic and autoimmune conditions, neurological and psychiatric disorders, even obesity.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Second in our series about the human microbiome, Part 1

Jessica Richman describes the Ubiome project which plans to catalogue the bacteria in hundreds of thousands of humans to create a “library” of variations in our flora, designed to facilitate research and provide feedback to participants. You can have your stool, sweat, mouth, nasal, and genital secretions analyzed and interpreted at a very economical price and find out where you lie on the spectrum of normalcy vs. dysbiosis via Eventually, this data may be used to discover treatments for autism, heart disease, cancers of the GI tract, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, allergic and autoimmune conditions, neurological and psychiatric disorders, even obesity.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Is the overuse of antibiotics fueling our modern plagues, Part 2
May 20, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Dr. Martin Blaser, author of Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling our Modern Plagues




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Is the overuse of antibiotics fueling our modern plagues, Part 1

Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling our Modern Plagues: Interview with Martin Blaser, MD, Director of the Human Microbiome Program at NYU. What purposes do bacteria serve in the body? Besides antibiotics, what other factors threaten our normal flora? What new diseases are arising due to bacterial depletion? Can selective replacement of bacteria help?




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Getting harmful chemicals out of our bodies and our world, Part 2
May 16, 2014
Rick Smith, co-author of Toxin, Toxout, discusses the profusion of environmental chemicals that assault our bodies and how they cause disease; he suggests ways we can protect ourselves and reality-checks common strategies for detoxification




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Getting harmful chemicals out of our bodies and our world, Part 1

Rick Smith, co-author of Toxin, Toxout, discusses the profusion of environmental chemicals that assault our bodies and how they cause disease; he suggests ways we can protect ourselves and reality-checks common strategies for detoxification




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Is it the end of the line for resveratrol? Part 2
May 15, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with resveratrol expert Bill Sardi as he weighs in on the history and many benefits of this versatile nutraceutical.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Is it the end of the line for resveratrol? Part 1

In the wake of widespread media coverage of a new study in Archives of Internal Medicine, doubts are being cast on the efficacy of this popular supplement; resveratrol expert Bill Sardi weighs in with his perspective on the study, which he calls seriously flawed. Bill describes the history and many benefits of this versatile nutraceutical.




Intelligent Medicine Podcast: MTHFR—a new paradigm that’s destined to revolutionize the field of nutritional medicine Part 2
May 8, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Dr. Ben Lynch. Could understanding the complex biochemistry of MTHFR variations be the key to resolving a wide variety of challenging disorders including depression and other mental conditions, autism, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, heart disease and more? Could ordinary forms of folic acid and B12 actually be BAD for you? What are methylated vitamins? What other nutrients assist in fixing the genetic glitches that give rise to MTHFR-related disorders? What tests can be used to map MTHFR pathways?



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