Expert Interview


Nourishing Broths, Part 2
January 8, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kaayla Daniel who details the health benefits of slow-cooked bone-broths. They’re a mainstay for healing the gut in intestinal disorders, and providing essential nutrients for skin, hair, nails and the skeletal system. Click HERE for part 1.




Implementing Your Healthy Resolutions, Part 1
January 6, 2015
Do you repeatedly fail at implementing your New Year’s Resolutions? Caroline Arnold, author of “Small Move, Big Change”, has practical solutions for you. Why is it so hard to change our routines? How to set achievable health and personal goals. What are the pitfalls of vague or unrealistic resolutions? What are “micro-resolutions"? The right ways and the wrong ways to formulate resolutions about diet, exercise, sleep. Click HERE for part 2.




Implementing Your Healthy Resolutions, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Caroline Arnold about practical solutions for implementing your New Year's resolutions. Click HERE for part 1.




Breathing, Part 1
December 30, 2014
Breathing: it sounds simple, but many many of us could optimize our health through proper breathing techniques. We join respiratory therapist Betsy Thomason, developer of the BreatheOut Dynamic System, for a discussion of the science of breath. There are huge implications for overall wellness, as well as for specific conditions like panic disorder, asthma, COPD, and for improving athletic performance. Today’s guest recently completed a landmark study demonstrating that enhanced breathing techniques dramatically improves the performance of firefighters. Click HERE for part 2.




Breathing, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation respiratory therapist Betsy Thomason, developer of the BreatheOut Dynamic System, about how many of us could optimize our health through proper breathing techniques.Click HERE for part 1.




The Health Benefits of Hemp Products, Part 1
December 23, 2014
Cannabidiol from hemp promises to be the new trendy nutrient of 2015. Christopher Boucher, Vice President of product development for CannaVest Corporation, tells us how hemp-derived products differ from marijuana in their effects, offering a legal, non-high producing spectrum of health benefits. These include antioxidant, anti inflammatory, cell protective, insulin regulating, mood optimizing, and even anti-cancer properties. CBD is currently being investigated for treatment of GI, neurological, psychiatric, and dermatological disorders. As its efficacy continues to be demonstrated, and its legal status gains acceptance, CBD is positioned to become one of the big natural product stories of the decade. Click HERE for part 2.




The Health Benefits of Hemp Products, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Christopher Boucher, Vice President of product development for CannaVest Corporation, about how hemp-derived products differ from marijuana, offering a legal, non-high producing spectrum of health benefits. Click HERE for part 1.




Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Part 1
December 17, 2014
First diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at age 16, Dr. Courtney Craig spent her entire academic career trying to understand and overcome the illness. In her book, All My Test Results are Normal, she details her recovery plan, which has enabled her to reach a high level of wellness. How is CFS distinguishable from a psychological disorder? How is it properly diagnosed? Is it amenable to a quick fix with the right antivirals? What roles do hormone imbalances, mitochondrial insufficiency, environmental toxicity, and intestinal dysbiosis play? Dr. Craig discusses cortisol, low dose naltrexone, Ampligen, as well as specific supplements that can support recovery. Click HERE for part 2.




Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Courtney Craig about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Click HERE for part 1.




Dietary Guidelines for America, Part 1
December 16, 2014
The Dietary Guidelines for America (DGA) started with the now much-maligned “Food Pyramid” and morphed into "My Healthy Plate”; nonetheless, Americans are growing fatter and sicker, threatening to sink our economy under a burden of unsustainable medical costs. Adele Hite, Director of the Healthy Nation Coalition, thinks it’s time for the DGA to be completely revamped. She takes issue with its "one-size all” approach to saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium reduction. Hite argues that the recommendations are not grounded in sound nutritional science, but rather, are ideological and arbitrary. They have confused the American public, have resulted in the proliferation of poor quality “low-fat” foods containing harmful refined carbohydrates and Omega 6 oils, and have inadvertently undermined our national health. And she’s taking action, having drafted a letter to the U.S. Secretaries of Health and Human Services and the Agriculture Department. Please take part in this important initiative by clicking HERE. Click HERE for part 2.



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