Expert Interview


“Natural Cures for Dummies,” Part 2
March 31, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation about "Natural Cures for Dummies," a new book by today’s guest, Dr. Scott Banks. Click HERE for part 1.




The Many Faces of Histamine, Part 1
March 26, 2015
We pop antihistamines like crazy, but few have searched out the root causes of histamine overload. We explore this multi-faceted problem with Certified Traditional Naturopath Dr. Robert Miller, who incorporates genetic testing and biochemical analysis to unravel complex health problems. Excess histamine goes beyond merely causing sneezing, wheezing and itching; it may be associated with a bewildering array of physical and mental symptoms. There’s a Histamine Diet—avoidance of foods that raise histamine. But addressing histamine problems requires an understanding of genetic variations that influence methylation (MTHFR), diamine oxidase (DAO), and zonulin. Leaky gut syndrome with altered intestinal permeability may lead to serious problems like autoimmunity. Dr. Miller is devising a sophisticated computer algorithm that crunches raw genetic data and translates them into targeted diet and supplement interventions. Click HERE for part 2.




The Many Faces of Histamine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Certified Traditional Naturopath Dr. Robert Miller about the root causes of histamine overload. Click HERE for part 1.




A Doctor’s Guide to Alternative Medicine, Part 1
March 19, 2015
Today's guest is Dr. Mel Borins, author of "A Doctor's Guide to Alternative Medicine: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why." We consider Ginkgo biloba, Horse Chestnut, Echinacea, St. John’s Wort and other natural therapies. Is vitamin E a cure for fatty liver disease? What role does laughter play in healing (Dr. Borins is a musical composer and you can find his satirical medical songs HERE)? Are meditation and mindfulness beneficial? What’s the evidence for acupuncture? Click HERE for part 2.




A Doctor’s Guide to Alternative Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his discussion with Dr. Mel Borins, author of "A Doctor's Guide to Alternative Medicine: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why." Click HERE for part 1.




The Elimination Diet: Everything you ever wanted to know, Part 1
March 17, 2015
In his new book, The Elimination Diet, Tom Malterre explains how food intolerances may be responsible for a bewildering array of symptoms and medical conditions. What are the major food culprits? How about chemicals and additives? What's the relationship between food intolerances and weight gain? What is a FODMAPS elimination diet? What are hidden sources of common food allergens? How can you implement your own personal elimination diet? Is there a comeback trail from multiple food intolerances? Click HERE for part 2.




The Elimination Diet: Everything you ever wanted to know, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Tom Malterre, who explains how food intolerances may be responsible for a bewildering array of symptoms and medical conditions. Click HERE for part 1.




Airway Health—a new medical paradigm, Part 1
March 5, 2015
Dr. Howard Hindin, founder of the Foundation for Airway Health calls upon health professionals to include an airway evaluation as an integral part of a comprehensive, integrative workup. How you breathe--whether or not your mouth structure or jaw position impedes your airway—impacts your nervous system function, potentially bathing us in stress hormones. This goes way beyond just ordinary sleep apnea, which is surprisingly common. Even without obvious snoring, sleep problems related to suboptimal breathing may affect up to 50% of the population and may be related to chronic fatigue, hypertension, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity, carbohydrate craving, low testosterone, pain syndromes, GERD, anxiety, dementia. childhood ADD and ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, and many other challenging medical conditions. Click HERE for part 2.




Airway Health—a new medical paradigm, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Howard Hindin, founder of the Foundation for Airway Health, who calls upon health professionals to include an airway evaluation as an integral part of a comprehensive, integrative workup. Click HERE for part 1.




Vaccine Safety, Part 1
March 3, 2015
In the wake of the recent measles outbreak, Dr. Jared Skowron, Vice President of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians and author of 100 Natural Remedies for Your Child, weighs in on the current vaccine controversy: Are "anti-vaxxers” putting the health of vulnerable Americans at risk? Should routine vaccines be mandatory for all healthy children? What are potential hazards of vaccines? Does over-reliance on vaccines undermine immunity? Does nutrition provide at least a partial bulwark against serious complications of infectious diseases? Should vaccine administration be staggered or delayed in certain vulnerable kids? Do harmful ingredients lurk in some vaccines? Are there warning signs that a child might have an adverse reaction to immunization? Is there a middle ground between vaccine refusal and selective use of vaccines? Why was this year’s flu vaccine such an epic-fail? Click HERE for part 2.



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