Expert Interview


Pushing Back Against Vitamin Skeptics, Part 2
May 19, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Thomas Guilliams, author of "The Original Prescription." Click HERE for part 1.




Curcumin for Cancer, Part 1
May 14, 2015
In addition to preventing cancer, curcumin can also help augment the cancer-killing effects of chemotherapy and overcome the main reason for failure of conventional anti-cancer drugs: the emergence of chemo-resistance, wherein cancer cells no longer respond to treatments. Dr. Ajay Goel, Baylor University Professor and Director of Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention and Genomics at Baylor Research Institute, details his recent research showing that curcumin can amplify the benefits of chemotherapy with 5 FU on colon cancer while protecting normal tissue. He describes other documented effects of curcumin in depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, arthritis and other inflammatory disorders. How does curcumin work? Are all curcumins alike? What factors determine curcumin bio-availability? How can we be assured that curcumin that originates from foreign sources is not contaminated with harmful chemicals or heavy metals? Dr. Goel envisions a time when use of curcumin, along with other anti-cancer nutraceuticals like EGCG from green tea and isothiocyanates from cruciferous vegetables, might become routine adjuncts to conventional cancer treatment. Are there contraindications or cautions re: curcumin use? Can it be used for general prevention by adults and children? Click HERE for part 2.




Curcumin for Cancer, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Ajay Goel about his recent research showing that curcumin can amplify the benefits of chemotherapy. Click HERE for part 1.




Homeopathy Under Attack, Part 1
May 12, 2015
Homeopathy under attack: Last month, the FDA held hearings, proposing new regulations on homeopathic remedies to “shield” the public from possible harm. Homeopathic expert Dana Ullman, author of "Homeopathy A-Z," pushes back against Pharma critics with a detailed analysis of how homeopathy works and why it’s safe. Is homeopathy “pseudoscience" as its critics allege? Ullman weighs in with new science on nanotechnology to explain how very tiny amounts of active ingredients in homeopathic products might work to produce an effect (the Silica Hypothesis); Why do critics ignore the extensive science on homeopathy’s efficacy? Do trace amounts of mercury, arsenic and other toxic substances in homeopathic remedies pose a hazard to consumers? Is homeopathy simply based on the Placebo Effect? How is homeopathy similar to vaccination and allergy treatment? What’s the difference between Classic Homeopathy administered by trained master practitioners and popular retail, over-the-counter homeopathic formulas designed for self-care? Click HERE for part 2.




Homeopathy Under Attack, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with homeopathic expert Dana Ullman who pushes back against Pharma critics with a detailed analysis of how homeopathy works and why it’s safe. Click HERE for part 1.




The Dorito Effect, Part 1
May 7, 2015
In his new book, "The Dorito Effect: The Surprising Truth About Food and Flavor," Mark Schatzker declares, “everything wrong with food comes down to the way it tastes.” Why do modern tomatoes suffer from “nutritional brownout?” Why do today’s jumbo-sized “cardboard chickens” require so much in the way of hyped-up flavorings, fried breading and sauces to be palatable? How have food scientists hijacked our taste buds to produce addictive, high-calorie, non-nutritious foods? What is “McRegret?" In our current “obesogenic" food environment, can we still say that obesity is just a moral failing or a matter of gluttony? Naturally-tasty, unadulterated ingredients are the answer, but won’t all those artisanal, grass-fed, or heirloom foods be cost-prohibitive? Will we still be able to feed the planet with fresh, locally-grown, small-scale agricultural products? Mark Schatzker reveals how a food Renaissance is talking place, wherein consumers are demanding more flavorful, nutritious, unadulterated food; and, food producers are responding, with more tasty, natural alternatives to industrially-processed, factory-farmed foods; What can the average consumer do to “live long and eat flavorfully?" Can this approach help failed dieters recover their appetite equilibrium? Click HERE for part 2.




The Dorito Effect, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with mark Schatzker about the pitfalls of our modern food supply. Click HERE for part 1.




Suzanne Somers on Toxin-Related Illnesses, Part 1
April 30, 2015
Suzanne Somers discusses her latest book "Tox-Sick: From Toxic to Not-Sick". She reveals how devastating environmental exposures and mold sensitivity have undermined her health and that of family members, and how they have achieved recovery through integrative approaches. Natural organic food, chemical-free cosmetics and cleaning materials, specific vitamins and IVs have restored her to full energy and vibrancy. She dishes on her own personal daily routine of diet, exercise, supplements, hormones, and guided visualization. She interviewed top physicians in the field of environmental medicine and detoxification who share their expertise on how to reverse toxin-related illnesses. She issues a passionate plea for change in how doctors treat chronic illnesses now insufficiently addressed with drug therapy. Click HERE for part 2.




Suzanne Somers on Toxin-Related Illnesses, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Suzanne Somers on how devastating environmental exposures and mold sensitivity have undermined her health and that of family members, and how they have achieved recovery. Click HERE for part 1.




Gut Microbes and the Brain, Part 1
April 28, 2015
Dr. David Perlmutter, America's foremost integrative neurologist, author of the best-seller "Grain Brain," joins us to discuss his new book "Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life." What's our new understanding of the relationship between the gut and the brain? What do experiments with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) suggest as a novel means of curing neurological disorders--from MS to autism to Alzheimers. Does "leaky gut syndrome" play a role in brain inflammation? Is a gluten-free, ultra low-carb diet the solution for everyone? Can probiotics and fermented foods enhance mood? What key supplements support brain and gut health? Click HERE for part 2.



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