Expert Interview


GMO Hazards, Part 2
August 20, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Stephanie Seneff about GMO's and their potentially toxic effects. Click HERE for part 1.




The Impact of Oral Care on the Whole Body, Part 1
August 18, 2015
Dr. William Sears, integrative pediatrician and popular author of 43 books, previews his upcoming book Sweet Health. Why is oral health so important for the rest of the body? Now that kids are going back to school, how can parents pre-empt all those colds and sniffles? How can a natural sweetener simultaneously protect against dental problems and respiratory conditions? Dr. Sears explains his “nose hose” and “steam clean” strategies for preventing colds and sinus infections. What is xylitol and how does it fight bacteria? Why are biofilms important? The Spry dental defense system and Xlear nasal products are Dr. Sears' choices for prevention. Click HERE for part 2.




The Impact of Oral Care on the Whole Body, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. William Sears about why oral health is so important for the rest of the body. Click HERE for part 1.




It may not be your fault you’re fat, Part 1
July 15, 2015
It may not be your fault you're fat--blame your microbiome! New research suggests that the micro-organisms that comprise your intestinal ecosystem have a major impact on how you how absorb calories from your food; they also influence your appetite and metabolism via hormones like insulin, leptin, and adiponectin. They even may hijack your brain to seek junk food. Dr. Raphael Kellman, author of "The Microbiome Diet: The Scientifically Proven Way to Restore Your Gut Health and Achieve Permanent Weight Loss," shares cutting-edge research on how gut bacteria impact obesity. He describes dietary measures and lists nutraceuticals that restore gut balance and facilitate weight loss. Using his "Four R" approach, overweight individuals can re-populate their microbiome and achieve permanent weight loss and craving control. Have scientists discovered the "Holy Grail" probiotic that facilitates weight loss? What foods support healthy gut bacteria? Are there herbal supplements that suppress harmful intestinal bugs? Click HERE for part 2.




It may not be your fault you’re fat, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Raphael Kellman who shares cutting-edge research on how gut bacteria impact obesity. Click HERE for part 1.




A New Threat to Health Freedom in America, Part 1
July 14, 2015
Today we visit with a health crusader from “across the pond”—Dr. Rob Verkerk, Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA (, and Executive Director of ANH-International and ANH-Europe. Are European supplement regulations more stringent than those in the U.S.? Could new treaties and agreements that promise regulatory “harmonization” threaten health freedom in America? Should we worry about “Codex Alimentarius?” Does the single-payer medical system in the U.K. limit patient access to complementary physicians? How does the National Health Service stifle innovation? Why is homeopathy under attack in Britain? What about vaccine choice? Do Europeans have more freedom to steer clear of GMO products than Americans? How does foster integrative medicine? Click HERE for part 2.




A New Threat to Health Freedom in America, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Rob Verkerk about new treaties and agreements that promise regulatory “harmonization” with Europe that threaten health freedom in America? Click HERE for part 1.




The Four Problems with Sunscreens, Part 1
July 8, 2015
Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, author of "Sunscreens Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste," has four problems with sunscreens: 1) They’re ineffective; 2) They give users a false sense of security; 3) They’re harmful to humans; and 4) They’re harmful to the environment. Learn why sunscreens provide incomplete protection. What harmful chemicals do they contain? Why are nanoparticles dangerous for humans and the environment? Why are sunscreens particularly toxic to children and expecting mothers? What are xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors, and how do they act as gender-benders? What about internal sunscreens from foods and supplements? Are ANY sunscreens safe? Click HERE for part 2.




The Four Problems with Sunscreens, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Plourde about problems with sunscreens. Click HERE for part 1.




Alternative Cancer Therapies, Part 1
July 7, 2015
Dr. Dwight McKee spent over 10 years studying alternative cancer therapies before obtaining his board certification in Hematology/Oncology. This enabled him to better integrate natural approaches to cancer with conventional therapies in his subsequent career as a cancer specialist. Why do mainstream oncologists discourage patients from taking vitamins and supplements? Do they interfere with chemotherapy and radiation? Or can they be used to augment their effectiveness and protect patients from their harmful side effects? In his upcoming book, “After Cancer Care,” Dr. McKee enumerates the benefits of diet, exercise, stress management, and targeted nutraceuticals. What are some of the top supplements that should be in the arsenal of every recovering cancer patient? Click HERE for part 2.



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