Expert Interview


It’s Detox Time! Part 2
February 2, 2017
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ann Louise Gittleman about the ideal template for a detox. Click HERE for part 1.




America’s Food Fight, Part 1
January 31, 2017
Nina Teicholz, author of “The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet,” dishes on America’s food fight—the controversy over the optimal diet for the nation. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) enshrine recommendations for at least 1/4 of the populace dependent on some form of government food. They also influence our food choices, guide the food industry, and serve as a role model for the entire world’s population. The DGA are out of step with the latest scientific findings, which largely exonerate saturated fat and meat as health risks. The result is that organizations like the American Heart Association still exhort Americans to avoid red meat, use only low-fat dairy, and substitute refined vegetable oils for butter and lard. This has been catastrophic for American’s health over the last several decades. Nina Teicholz is the author of a highly contentious article that appeared in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal). The article critiqued the DGA, calling into question their scientific basis. Teicholz details the firestorm of controversy that her BMJ article generated. She fought back, even in the face of a demand for retraction. Ultimately, the BMJ stood by her article. Teicholz details how the food industry has enlisted government to distort nutrition facts. Should we continue to look to the government as the arbiter of nutritional truth? Is saturated fat from vegetable sources like coconut and palm oil OK? Could telling Americans to eat more fat backfire? If you exercise does it really mean you can eat whatever you want? Click HERE for part 2.




America’s Food Fight, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Nina Teicholz, author of “The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet.” Click HERE for part 1.




One Man’s Harvard-Documented Remission of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods, Part 1
January 26, 2017
N of 1: One man’s Harvard-documented remission of incurable cancer using only natural methods.” In 1991, Glenn Sabin was faced with a dilemma: He was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a slowly progressing but incurable cancer. He declined a bone marrow transplant which carried with it a 20% mortality risk. Gradually, he adopted lifestyle measures which kept his cancer at bay until 2003, when his disease came back with a vengeance. But with diet, exercise, stress reduction and targeted supplements he managed to reverse his condition to the point where at present no trace of cancer is detectable—without resorting to conventional treatments. His story became the subject of a peer-reviewed article in a medical journal. What diet worked for Glenn? What role did stress reduction play in his recovery? What nutraceuticals did he rely on? Why is Glenn reluctant to use the term “cure?” What’s the message for cancer sufferers? Click HERE for part 2.




One Man’s Harvard-Documented Remission of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Glenn Sabin about his remission from incurable cancer using only natural methods. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Life Before & After Prostate Cancer, Part 1
January 17, 2017
Dr. Geo Espinosa, a naturopathic physician with an integrative perspective on urology, author of “Thrive Don’t Only Survive: Dr.Geo's Guide to Living Your Best Life Before & After Prostate Cancer,” describes his “CaPLESS Method” for addressing prostate cancer. Can diet and lifestyle plus targeted supplementation improve survival in men already diagnosed with prostate cancer? What type of diet works best? What supplements does Dr. Geo recommend for prostate cancer? What role can exercise play, and how much is enough? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Life Before & After Prostate Cancer, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Geo Espinosa, author of "Thrive Don’t Only Survive: Dr.Geo's Guide to Living Your Best Life Before & After Prostate Cancer.” Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: The Dirt Cure, Part 1
January 16, 2017
"The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil." Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein is an integrative pediatric neurologist. She takes a holistic approach to challenging childhood developmental and behavioral disorders rather than relying solely on pharmaceutical remedies. Her office even features a demonstration organic garden where she grows produce and raises chickens. The Dirt Cure explores the Hygiene Hypothesis—the notion that exposure to microbes is essential to optimal immune system programming. Are occasional mild, self-limited illnesses normal for kids? Should we ditch the disinfectant soaps and cleansers? What role do healthy bacteria and even viruses play in guarding us from disease? What are the downsides of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and antibiotics? What natural products can be substituted for minor childhood illnesses? How can you allergy-proof your child? Why might unpasteurized milk be better for kids? Why is soy problematic for some children? Why should kids play outside more? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: The Dirt Cure, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein, an integrative pediatric neurologist who takes a holistic approach to challenging childhood developmental and behavioral disorders. Click HERE for part 1.




Fermented Cod Liver Oil—health boon or bane? Part 1
January 12, 2017
Dr. Kaayla Daniel, the “Naughty Nutritionist,” dishes on the potential hazards of this popular health fad. Is it really fermented—or just rancid? Does it deliver adequate vitamin A, D, and EPA/DHA? Can its use lead to health problems? As the co-author of "Nourishing Broth," what’s her take on the health community’s current infatuation with broths? How should they be prepared? How do they fill in gaps left when people just consume muscle meats in lieu of other animal parts? Are there circumstances where too much broth can backfire? What about commercial products like “instant broth?” As the author of "The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food," Dr. Kaayla weighs in on soy hazards. Does this mean no one should ever consume soy? Click HERE for part 2.



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