Expert Interview


Are angels real? Do miracles happen? Part 2
March 6, 2018
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Leo Galland, renowned clinician, educator, and author of "Already Here: A Doctor Discovers the Truth About Heaven." Click HERE for part 1.




Taking the Hassle Out of Buying Supplements, Part 1
February 27, 2018
Dr. Hoffman is recording live today from the Integrated Healthcare Symposium in New York City. He's speaking with Kyle Bratz, developer, co-founder, and CEO of the Fullscript supplement dispensary. Fullscript's mission is to take the hassle out of integrative medicine by making supplement purchases as easy as filling a prescription. It allows complementary healthcare practitioners to prescribe the exact supplement protocol patients need and have them quickly delivered. Fullscript is now Dr. Hoffman's store and, for a limited time, Dr. Hoffman is offering a special offer to listeners of Intelligent Medicine. Go to and you'll receive 10% off all store items, plus free shipping. Click HERE for part 2.




Taking the Hassle Out of Buying Supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kyle Bratz, developer, co-founder, and CEO of the Fullscript online supplement dispensary. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: “Going Red” for Women’s Heart Month, Part 1
February 22, 2018
We’re "going red" for Women’s Heart Month this February with Dr Dana Cohen. Why is heart disease different in women than in men? How can early warning symptoms of a heart attack be missed because of female anatomy? What are some of the key risk factors? What common supplement that women take may spell trouble for the heart? What’s the single most important vitamin that women should take for heart and bone health? What tests are most predictive? Are statins as effective in women as they are for men? Is hormone replacement therapy bad or good for the heart? Does stress play a particularly important role in heart disease for women? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: “Going Red” for Women’s Heart Month, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Dana Cohen about why heart disease is different in women than in men. Click HERE for part 1.




How Healing Works, Part 1
February 13, 2018
A leading advocate for complementary and alternative medicine, Dr. Wayne Jonas, reveals the often-missed components that our current healthcare system overlooks. He wrote, "How Healing Works: Get Well and Stay Well Using Your Hidden Power to Heal." He's a military physician and former head of the Office of Alternative Medicine (now the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and the Samueli Institute, Dr. Jonas believes that natural medicine may hold the answer to the current opioid epidemic. Why does the U.S. spend over twice the dollars per capita of other nations’ healthcare systems, but lags in critical health care benchmarks? Why is Americans’ life expectancy DECLINING for the first time in recorded history? Why should the placebo effect not be dismissed as inconsequential? How can it be harnessed to produce healing? Why is the military pioneering acceptance of natural methods? How does Dr. Jonas counter skeptics who claim research on complementary medicine is a waste of time and money? Dr. Jonas shares his vision of where healthcare in America is headed. He recommends that patients get started now working with their doctors to develop effective, collaborative health programs. Click HERE for part 2.




How Healing Works, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Wayne Jonas, author of "How Healing Works: Get Well and Stay Well Using Your Hidden Power to Heal." Click HERE for part 1.




Alleviating Sinus Complaints, Part 1
February 8, 2018
It’s cold and flu season and many are suffering from sinusitis, a frequent aftermath of viral infections. Studies reveal that antibiotics, and even nasal steroids, perform no better than placebo in alleviating sinus complaints. Xylitol may offer an alternative. Nathan Jones is founder and CEO of Xlear, Inc., a manufacturer of xylitol products. He relates how his father, Dr. Lon Jones, first discovered xylitol’s remarkable protective effects on the respiratory system. How does xylitol clear nasal mucus? What’s the “SNOT” score? What are biofilms? How does xylitol dissolve biofilms that enable bacteria to hide from the immune system, and to resist antibiotics? What’s the evidence for Xlear’s benefits? How often do you need to use it? What are potential dental applications of xylitol? Against cavities? Against periodontal disease? Against bad breath? Against dry mouth symptoms? What about xylitol as a low-calorie sweetener? What innovative new products is Xlear rolling out? Click HERE for part 2.




Alleviating Sinus Complaints, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Nathan Jones, founder and CEO of Xlear, Inc., a manufacturer of xylitol products. He relates xylitol’s remarkable protective effects on the respiratory system. Click HERE for part 1.




Kids’ Exposure to Electronic Media, Part 1
February 6, 2018
A conversation with the “Mediatrician”, Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician whose practice and research center around kids’ exposure to electronic media. He recently supported a stockholder initiative to persuade Apple to offer more options for parents to shape their children’s media exposure. Are the big social media companies compromising our children’s well-being for the sake of more ad clicks? What are the health consequences—physical and mental—of kids’ heavy use of social media? How does it contribute to obesity? To depression and suicidality? To poor school performance? To sleep deprivation? Why prohibition is not the answer; Is there such a thing as “internet addiction”? Should kids below a certain age have zero screen time? Dr. Rich offers tips to parents and grandparents via his column “Ask the Mediatrician” at the website of his Center on Media and Child Health at Click HERE for part 2.



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