Expert Interview


The Link Between Toxic Exposures and Common Diseases, Part 1
April 17, 2018
Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, one of the founders of Integrative and Functional Medicine and author of " The Toxin Solution," takes a look at how environmental toxins affect our health. He has undertaken one of the largest studies to date that links various forms of toxic exposures to common diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, coronary artery disease, fatty liver, and even childhood behavioral problems. Toxins are ubiquitous in our modern environment. How to tell if you're toxic? Are there blood or urine tests? Is it worth it to eat organic foods exclusively? What are other ways that toxins find their way into our bodies even if we’re not industrial workers or farmers applying pesticides and herbicides? What are “Obesogens”? Are there ways to facilitate detox? What role for glutathione? Milk thistle? Dietary fiber? What’s the deal with heavy metals? Arsenic? Can they be removed? Click HERE for part 2.




The Link Between Toxic Exposures and Common Diseases, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, one of the founders of Integrative and Functional Medicine, and author of "The Toxin Solution: How Hidden Poisons in the Air, Water, Food and Products We Use Are Destroying Our Health—And What We Can Do To Fix It." Click HERE for part 1.




Six Keys to a Happy and Healthy Life, Part 1
April 12, 2018
Veteran integrative practitioner Dr. Frank Lipman, author of "How to Be Well," describes the 6 keys to a happy and healthy life. Why has he embraced the low-carb diet paradigm? What elimination diets form the core of his wellness programs? What foods can undermine health? Why is Dr. Lipman a proponent of healing broths? How best to undertake a detox program? What’s wrong with counting calories? Why is salt restriction overdone? What roles do other lifestyle factors play in undermining health? Sleep deprivation? Social isolation? Sedentary habits? Device dependency? How do touch, music, and gratitude support wellness? Is there hope that the How to Be Well paradigm will prevail in the face of resistance from mainstream medicine? Click HERE for part 2.




Six Keys to a Happy and Healthy Life, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with veteran integrative practitioner Dr. Frank Lipman, author of "How to Be Well." Click HERE for part 1.




The Way Human Beings are Supposed to Eat, Part 1
April 10, 2018
Professor Tim Noakes is a South African medical doctor and a respected exercise physiologist. Decades ago, he wrote the best-selling "The Lore of Running," in which he advocated a low-fat carbo-loading diet for optimal athletic performance. But when he himself developed Type 2 Diabetes, he had second thoughts and began researching the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) dietary paradigm. The result: He reversed his diabetes, sold 200,000 copies of his new book, "The Real Meal Revolution," but then became the target of an Inquisition-style prosecution for dietary heresy. In what became dubbed “the Nutrition Trial of the Century” Professor Noakes valiantly upheld science in the face of a concerted attack from the medical orthodoxy. We discuss how he finally prevailed. Why has the diet controversy become so politicized? Why does Professor Noakes consider the Agricultural Revolution “one of mankind’s biggest mistakes”? Why is the Banting diet particularly suited to the dietary needs of South Africans? Don’t some people do OK with carbohydrates? What’s the impact of the LCHF on athletic performance? What research is the Noakes Foundation undertaking? How is it trying to democratize low-carb dieting for the masses? Click HERE for part 2.




The Exercise — Oral Care Connection, Part 1
April 6, 2018
Shad Slaughter, Xylitol Expert and Spry Brand Manager at Xlear, Inc. joins us to discuss the importance of oral care as part of an active lifestyle. What is it about exercise that can be hard on our teeth? What can we do to protect our teeth when we are being active? Shad also shares best dental hygiene practices for children. Click HERE for part 2.




The Exercise — Oral Care Connection, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Shad Slaughter, Xylitol Expert and Spry Brand Manager at Xlear, Inc. about the importance of oral care as part of an active lifestyle. Click HERE for part 1.




Nutritional Treatment of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Part 1
April 3, 2018
Dr. Melvyn Grovit specializes in the nutritional treatment of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis—especially in kids. He describes his first case, that of a 17-year-old with Crohn’s Disease who was emaciated, debilitated, suffering from uncontrollable diarrhea, subject to frequent hospitalizations for intestinal obstruction, his academic career on hold, and at serious risk of early death. The Big Reveal: that patient was Dr. Grovit himself 65 years ago! Now 82, Dr. Grovit is healthy, in full remission without the aid of drugs, and actively treating patients in his nutritional practice in White Plains, New York. What type of diet supports healing of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)? Once healing has occurred, can you occasionally cheat? Which nutraceuticals has Dr. Grovit found helpful? Probiotics? Omega 3 fish oil? Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs)? Fish peptides? Amino acids? Curcumin? What role can growth hormone (HGH) play in facilitating kids’ recovery? Why hasn’t the gastroenterology establishment embraced these methods? Dr. Grovit shares the remarkable results he’s seen in his practice, including a peer-reviewed study he’s published documenting his successes. He discusses the origins of NIBD in Kids, a non-profit devoted to promoting natural cures for pediatric IBD. Click HERE for part 2.




Nutritional Treatment of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Melvyn Grovit, who specializes in the nutritional treatment of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis—especially in kids. Click HERE for part 1.




HPV Vaccines: The Risks vs. the Potential Benefits, Part 1
March 29, 2018
"Manufactured Crisis: HPV Hype & Horror"—the title of a new documentary ( by the Alliance for Natural Health ( We talk to the producer Tim Reihm, Communications Director for ANH and Rob Verkerk, Executive and Scientific Director of ANH International. Why is there a need for this documentary? What are some of the side effects of the vaccine? Is it as effective as claimed? Can immunity wane after several decades? Doesn’t casting doubt on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine put the public at risk? Will there be an attempt to censor or suppress this documentary? Are there vested interests promoting the vaccine? Are they active in urging legislators to pass laws requiring compulsory vaccination? Why the visceral reaction to anyone perceived to be an “anti-vaxxer”? What’s are alternatives to the HPV vaccine in terms of cervical CA prevention? Click HERE for part 2.



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The Role “Metabolic Fitness” Plays In Resistance to the Coronavirus, Part 1
