Expert Interview


Vaccine Rights, Part 2
August 28, 2018
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Alan Phillips, Esq., America’s foremost vaccine rights attorney. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: The Truth About Statins, Part 1
August 21, 2018
The Truth About Statins: Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs. Cardiologist Barbara Roberts, M.D. dishes on the exaggerated benefits and underplayed risks of statins. One in 4 U.S. adults aged 40-75 takes these cholesterol-lowering drugs. Dr. Roberts asserts that the American Heart Association, which wholeheartedly endorses statins, is merely a marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry. Statin side effects include muscle aches, liver problems, cognitive decline, fatigue, cataracts, and a markedly higher risk of diabetes, especially in women. Reported benefits of statins are hyped with statistical manipulation and publication bias. Drugs that “halve the risk of heart problems” may only confer a 1% reduction in absolute risk with use over five years. Scores and sometimes hundreds of patients need to take statins unnecessarily with their accompanying side effects to save a single patient from heart attack or death. Yet, the indications for statin use have been extended to encompass millions more “at risk” Americans according to new, dubious criteria. Dr. Roberts argues that, while a small percentage of patients need statins, the vast majority of people can favorably impact their risk with a Mediterranean diet and exercise. For some groups, particularly older Americans and most women, statins are of minimal benefit and may be downright harmful. Studies show that low cholesterol is associated with higher risk of death among seniors—which is bad news for the new raft of PSK-9 lipid drugs currently under consideration for approval that lower cholesterol even more dramatically than statins. Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: The Truth About Statins, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Cardiologist Barbara Roberts, M.D. about her book, The Truth About Statins: Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Unlocking Your Personal Genetic Code, Part 1
August 16, 2018
"The DNA Restart," by Dr. Sharon Moalem, aims to help to “unlock your personal genetic code to eat for your genes, lose weight and reverse aging;" How does “epigenetics” shape the expression of our genes? Can you overcome genetic faults through lifestyle modification? Nutrigenomics is the science of predicting what diet a person should be on based on genetic analysis—are genetic home tests that tell you what diet to follow not yet ready for primetime? Dr. Moalem shares some functional tests that readers can easily perform at home: the “cracker test;” the "ear wax test;” Dr. Moalem is also the author of a previous book “Survival of the Sickest” which explains how some seemingly bad genes help to protect us; What is “umami” and how can it be harnessed to keep us from over-eating? What crucial culinary tip helps to harness the benefits of garlic? Why does Dr. Moalem favor Oolong tea? How can a low-cholesterol diet sometimes backfire and result in higher cholesterol? How do exercise and sleep help us maximize our genetic potential? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Unlocking Your Personal Genetic Code, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Sharon Moalem, author of "The DNA Restart: Unlock Your Personal Genetic Code to Eat for Your Genes, Lose Weight, and Reverse Aging." Click HERE for part 1.




Groundbreaking Support for Heart Health, Part 1
August 14, 2018
Dr. Ross Pelton, pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, health educator, and Scientific Advisor for Essential Formulas, discusses glutathione production – the body’s MASTER ANTIOXIDANT. It's used by every cell in the human body. And it’s especially vital for heart health. He discusses some of the ways the Reg’Activ Cardio Wellness formula helps you produce glutathione and reduces some of the risks associated with cardiovascular disease. He also discusses recent health reports that allege “probiotics may cause brain fog”? Isn’t the opposite true—that there’s an emerging science of “psychobiotics” where it’s been demonstrated that probiotics combat depression and anxiety? At what age is it safe for kids to begin to take Dr. Ohhira’s or Reg’Activ? What new insights are we gaining about the microbiome’s remarkable role in supporting human evolutionary adaptation? Where are we headed in probiotic science? Will there be targeted probiotics designed to treat specific diseases? Are current microbiome tests accurate enough to predict which probiotics people should take? What are “post-biotics” and why are they important? Click HERE for part 2.




Groundbreaking Support for Heart Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Ross Pelton, Scientific Director for Essential Formulas, about how Reg’Activ Cardio Wellness formula helps reduce some of the risks associated with cardiovascular disease. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: The Right to Natural and Sustainable Health, Part 1
August 9, 2018
This episode was originally presented in August 2016 (so you'll pardon the election reference), but the issue is even more relevant now as evidenced in my latest video, "Pricey Pee:" Supplements Under Attack, Again! Click HERE to see the video. If, as they say, “All politics are local,” then our neighborhood is about unencumbered access to supplements, clean air/water/food, and freedom of choice in healthcare.That’s what the Alliance for Natural Health stands for, and today we interview Jonathan Posey, ANH’s Legislative Director. We recap a recent ANH story pushing back on Consumer Reports’ irresponsible and misleading attack on supplements. Do supplements really need to be more stringently regulated? Are they as dangerous as CR alleges? Who’s behind the hatchet job on supplements? ANH has issued an urgent Action Alert to consumers of supplements to contact Congress to prevent FDA from enacting new onerous regulations; Should they be implemented, many supplements we rely on could disappear from the marketplace; Jonathan Posey details the full scope of ANH’s mission on behalf of the natural community—GMO labeling, vaccine choice, and defending practitioners of integrative medicine from unwarranted attacks. Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: The Right to Natural and Sustainable Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jonathan Posey, Legislative Director of the Alliance for Natural Health. Click HERE for part 1.




Colostrum, Nature’s Wonder Food, Part 1
August 7, 2018
Doug Wyatt, Director of the Sovereign Health Initiative, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people on natural and effective solutions for addressing the root causes of autoimmune and chronic conditions, describes the enormous therapeutic potential of colostrum. Mammalian mothers’ first milk, colostrum is a balanced blend of growth factors, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins designed to prime babies’ guts and confer protection against pathogens. In the absence of colostrum, leaky gut develops, which enables development of allergies and autoimmunity. Colostrum has shown wide applicability to a variety of disease states. It may also regulate metabolism, helping to control appetite and preventing obesity and diabetes. Research has shown it confers a performance edge for athletes. Both adults and children—even infants—benefit from colostrum. Wyatt explains why colostrum should be a daily adjunct to everyone’s nutritional regimen. How to take it? What if you’re allergic to dairy or have lactose intolerance? How is Colostrum LD different from transfer factor? Wyatt explains how Colostrum LD is ideally prepared and made bio-available via a unique liposomal delivery system (LD). Intelligent Medicine listeners can obtain a free sample at; an educational site provides more background on colostrum at Click HERE for part 2.



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