Expert Interview


Are your implantable devices sabotaging your health? Part 1
December 11, 2018
Are your implantable devices sabotaging your health? Award-winning investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer joins us to discuss her book, "The Danger Within Us: America’s Untested, Unregulated Medical Device Industry and One Man’s Battle to Survive." Over 30 million Americans have them—that’s 1/10th of the population. Implantable devices include artificial hips and knees, pacemakers and defibrillators, breast implants, nerve stimulators, contraceptive devices, surgical mesh, and countless other applications. These devices can fail—sometimes with disastrous consequences. Why does the current regulatory scheme allow these minimally-tested devices to reach the marketplace? What is “disease creep”? And why is the treatment sometimes worse than the disease? What should every potential device recipient know before getting anything permanently implanted in their body? Click HERE for part 2.




Are your implantable devices sabotaging your health? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with award-winning investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer on her book, "The Danger Within Us: America’s Untested, Unregulated Medical Device Industry and One Man’s Battle to Survive." Click HERE for part 1.




Sexism In Medicine, Part 1
December 6, 2018
In "Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick," feminist journalist Maya Dusenbery looks at the roots of sexism in medicine. Why are women’s health complaints often dismissed? How has Freudian psychology with its notions of “hysteria” and “conversion disorders” undermined the legitimacy of women’s complaints? Women are disproportionately affected by pain syndromes like fibromyalgia, incapacitating menstrual cramps, and migraines and IBS; they are also far more likely to suffer from autoimmune disorders; they are often under-treated for heart problems which are erroneously thought to be predominantly male. Why is research lagging in these areas that so disproportionately affect women? Does greater inclusion of women in the ranks of health professionals promise more female-centric care? Or do institutional barriers within a paternalistic system limit progress? How can women surmount obstacles to equitable care? Click HERE for part 2.




Sexism In Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with journalist Maya Dusenbery, author of "Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick." Click HERE for part 1.




How to Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 1
December 4, 2018
Psychopharmacologist Dr. Timothy Jennings shares a broad array of strategies for averting mental decline in his book, "The Aging Brain." To what extent is dementia pre-ordained by our genes? Can we overcome our genetic predispositions? What roles for exercise, sleep, stress reduction? What evidence supports lifetime learning? What medications rob memory? What type of diet has been shown to stave off brain deterioration? Are there “brain foods”? What supplements have memory protective effects? Does hormone replacement help? Is there scientific evidence to support the benefits of spirituality? Click HERE for part 2.




How to Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Psychopharmacologist Dr. Timothy Jennings, "The Aging Brain." Click HERE for part 1.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 1, Part 2
December 3, 2018
The unforeseen hazards of robotic surgery; Weightlifting outperforms aerobic exercise for heart protection; Fit septuagenarians are physically comparable to 20 somethings; How to fade “age spots”; The little-known supplement that protects against cognitive decline in diabetes; Dr. Michael Lewis explains why he has added CBD to his arsenal of brain-protective nutrients. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




ENCORE: Gastrointestinal Health, Part 1
November 29, 2018
Everything you ever wanted to know about gastrointestinal health with Thomas Guilliams, Ph.D. Why is the GI tract central to overall health? What role for hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes? With all the choices, how do you find the right enzyme supplement for you? What are the possible causes of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? Is it “all in your head?” What is SIBO? How can it best be treated? What role does the low FODMAP diet play in addressing GI complaints? What is “Leaky Gut Syndrome?” Is “Candida” for real? What diet and nutraceutical treatments help patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Gastrointestinal Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Thomas Guilliams, Ph.D. with everything you ever wanted to know about gastrointestinal health. Click HERE for part 1.




Low Carb Dieting, Part 1
November 27, 2018
Award-winning author and widely-recognized expert on leptin Kat James joins us to discuss low-carb dieting. This summer, a Lancet study purported to show that low-carb dieting was harmful, curtailing lifespan. Kat shares her reservations about the study—she claims, as do many nutrition experts, that it’s critically flawed. It relies on the faulty recall of thousands of individuals of the types of foods they were eating over two decades ago. What’s more, the Lancet study wasn’t really representative of a properly-formulated low-carb diet: subjects in the low-carb group were deriving 40% of their calories from carbs! And who knows what quality of animal protein they were eating. Kat maintains that, for a low-carb diet to be successful, it has to be lower in carbs, and derive adequate calories from healthy fats—without excess protein. The key to successful weight loss and freedom from cravings is leptin—a hormone that controls appetite and metabolism. Efforts to turn leptin into a blockbuster weight loss drug have failed because of a misunderstanding of how it works; it doesn’t need to be augmented, just tamed. Kat shares tips on how to maintain leptin balance which will harness the body’s natural fat-burning pathways. She recounts her own personal transformation via an understanding of the role foods play in the leptin response. Psychological well-being is an additional dividend of leptin optimization. We review the results of new studies that underscore the safety and effectiveness of low-carb diets and challenge claims that animal protein consumption is “unsustainable”. Click HERE for part 2.



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