Expert Interview


ENCORE: Heart Disease Early Detection, Part 1
December 27, 2018
Albert Barrette, Managing Director of Inner Imaging in New York City, is a pioneer in diagnostic radiology. He was an early proponent of EBT (Electron Beam Tomography) for early detection of heart disease. What is calcium scoring? Why is it more sensitive than a stress test? Why is it that traditional risk factors (family history, cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, obesity, etc.) are poor predictors of heart disease risk? Why do a large percentage of patients who suffer heart attacks have normal cholesterol? And, why, paradoxically, are some patients with multiple risk factors free of coronary calcium? Does a "zero" score on the EBT test guarantee freedom from heart risk? Who should get screened, and at what age? Why don't all doctors recommend this test? Why do only some states mandate insurance reimbursement for it? Do you need a prescription to get a scan? How much radiation does it expose you to? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Heart Disease Early Detection, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Albert Barrette, Managing Director of Inner Imaging in New York City, a pioneer in diagnostic radiology. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Master Your Brain, Part 1
December 25, 2018
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen bring you "The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose," a new book as well as the subject of a current PBS Special. Why the urgency of this brain initiative? What factors are undermining Americans' brain health? What insights are neuro-imaging studies providing us about the role of diet, lifestyle, and environment on brain function? Can people actually "rewire" their brains? Why is the advice to consume "heart-healthy" alcohol not helpful for the brain? What type of diet best supports brain function (there's also a "Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook")? What supplements bolster brain health? What's the role of exercise? Of sleep? Of positive affirmation and imagery? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Master Your Brain, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen, authors of "The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose." Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: The Over-Diagnosis of ADHD, Part 1
December 20, 2018
Alan Schwarz, author of "ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic" issues a clarion call about the over-diagnosis and medicalization of childhood behavioral problems. It’s to the point where 15% of children, and 20% of boys, will be diagnosed with ADHD by the time they turn 18. Schwarz explains the origins of the use of amphetamine-like drugs for ADHD over 75 years ago. Vague, subjective diagnostic criteria and aggressive marketing by the pharmaceutical industry along with complicit doctors created a bonanza for drug companies. It’s estimated that 50% of kids diagnosed with ADHD don’t actually suffer from it. ADHD medications have a strong potential for abuse and dependency. Drug company advertising and medical education programs have minimized the risks. Schwarz believes that awareness can help stem the tide of overuse, but with current incentives so strongly aligned for prescribing, it might take time to return to rational deployment of ADHD drugs. Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: The Over-Diagnosis of ADHD, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Alan Schwarz, author of "ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic." Click HERE for part 1.




A Breakthrough for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 1
December 18, 2018
A new breakthrough botanical treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Brown is developer of Atrantil, a natural treatment for IBS. He explains how small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) contributes to gas, bloating, cramps, urgency and constipation. Conventional treatment of SIBO involves use of the antibiotic Xifaxin, which is expensive and doesn’t usually deliver lasting relief. Years of research led Dr. Brown to discovery of an herbal combo which offers a more economical, thorough solution. Clinical testing has shown Atrantil to be effective. What ingredients make Atrantil unique among GI supplements? How should Atrantil be taken? Can it result in “die-off” symptoms? How is SIBO diagnosed? What role for probiotics? For diet? For agents that promote GI motility? Does SIBO cause mood symptoms like anxiety, depression, or “brain fog”? Click HERE for part 2.




A Breakthrough for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Brown, developer of Atrantil, a natural treatment for IBS. Click HERE for part 1.




Athletic Performance Support, Part 1
December 13, 2018
Sports nutrition. Internationally acclaimed sports medicine expert Dr. Debasis Bagchi, author of, "Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength," discusses diet and supplements to support athletic performance. What roles for carnitine, CoQ10, HMB, nicotinamide riboside and creatine? Branched-chain amino acids? Ashwagandha and Tribulus? Is caffeine beneficial for athletic performance? The latest trends in Keto-adaptation; Is carbo-loading passé? Different nutrient requirements for pre-, post- and during high output exertion? What nutriceuticals for injury recovery? Special considerations for the vegetarian athlete; introducing Gakic, a new performance enhancer. Click HERE for part 2.




Athletic Performance Support, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with internationally acclaimed sports medicine expert Dr. Debasis Bagchi, author of "Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength." Click HERE for part 1.



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