Expert Interview


Standard v. Integrative Cardiology, Part 1
August 8, 2019
Integrative cardiologist Dr. Vivian Kominos joins us to discuss her unique perspective on heart problems: Why the American Heart Association’s low-fat diet paradigm led us astray; What’s wrong with our current screening strategies for heart disease? How does an integrative cardiologist’s approach differ from that of standard cardiology? Why are women’s heart problems under-appreciated? Are statins over-prescribed? Click HERE for part 2.




Standard v. Integrative Cardiology, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his deep-dive on heart problems with Integrative Cardiologist Dr. Vivian Kominos. Click HERE for part 1.




Summer Digestive Health, Part 1
August 6, 2019
It’s summer again – backyard barbeques, picnics and swimming at the lake, and travel – across the state, on a cruise, or sometimes around the globe! But a digestive problem can ruin a well–planned vacation or family get-together. Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, details some of the problems travelers face and what to do about them. The risk of catching something on an airplane, the risks when we eat food while at local backyard barbeques and picnics, what to do if you feel that you might be coming down with a food-borne ailment or if you're suffering constipation when on vacation. Martie has practical advice for common digestive problems. Click HERE for part 2.




Summer Digestive Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Martie Whittekin, a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist and the author of the best-selling book, "Natural Alternatives to Nexium…and Other Acid Blockers." Her new book is entitled, "The Probiotic Cure." Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Can you recover lost brain cells? Part 1
August 1, 2019
Naturopath Dr. Alan Miller discusses neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to regenerate its capacity in the face of aging, neurodegenerative disease, or injury. A key player is NAD, an energy substance that complements CoQ10 in the mitochondria. NAD can be boosted with a revolutionary new supplement called nicotinamide riboside (Niacel). Studies are underway to evaluate the benefits of nicotinamide riboside in college football players prone to concussions, and in Alzheimer's patients. It supports resveratrol in generating sirtuins, age-defying, and disease-reversing compounds. Dr. MIller introduces the concept of "mitochondrial biogenesis", wherein mitochondria can actually be prompted to regenerate and multiply. In addition to nicotinamide riboside, sulforaphane, curcumin, EGCG, alpha lipoic acid, and quercetin help support mitochondrial biogenesis. Which is preferable for memory: bacopa or ginkgo biloba? Is DHA-rich fish oil best for the brain? What roles do diet, exercise, and stress reduction play in optimizing neuroplasticity? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Can you recover lost brain cells? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Naturopath Dr. Alan Miller about neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to regenerate its capacity in the face of aging, neurodegenerative disease, or injury. Click HERE for part 1.




Curcumin and Magnesium for Brain Health, Part 1
July 30, 2019
Protocol for Life Balance Senior Nutrition Education Manager Neil Levin weighs in on nutritional strategies for preventing cognitive decline. While BigPharma flounders in its multi-billion-dollar efforts to find a “magic bullet” drug against Alzheimer’s Disease, an estimated 28 million Baby Boomers are destined to suffer from the debilitating condition by mid-century. A new study suggests that simple lifestyle changes can mitigate risk even in those with Alzheimer’s genes. Levin discusses the science substantiating the brain benefits of curcumin and magnesium. But bio-availability is a problem; most forms of curcumin and magnesium don’t cross the blood-brain barrier. Levin highlights research on Curcumin SPLC (Cogumin) and magnesium threonate (Protosorb Magnesium). Other ancillary nutrients like phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, bacopa, huperzine, CoQ10, fish oil and tocotrienols also deserve consideration in a brain-protective regimen. Click HERE for part 2.




Curcumin and Magnesium for Brain Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Protocol for Life Balance Senior Nutrition Education Manager Neil Levin who weighs in on nutritional strategies for preventing cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: “The Autoimmune Solution,” Part 1
July 25, 2019
Dr. Hoffman welcomes Dr. Amy Myers, author of "The Autoimmune Solution" and "The Thyroid Connection." Dr. Myers recounts her own struggles with Graves' Disease; What were the antecedents that caused her to develop this autoimmune thyroid disorder? How prevalent is autoimmunity? Why is it reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S.? Dr. Myers discusses how diet, leaky gut syndrome, toxins, infections, and stress combine to create a "perfect storm" for autoimmunity. What supplements work for autoimmunity? Is the Paleo Diet the best route to recovery? Why are beans and gluten considered no-no's for patients with autoimmunity? How do you heal the gut? Why is taking synthetic thyroid medication not enough for some patients? What role for iodine? Vitamin D? Is coconut oil beneficial? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: “The Autoimmune Solution,” Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Amy Myers, author of "The Autoimmune Solution" and "The Thyroid Connection." Click HERE for part 1.



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