Expert Interview


Concussions, Omega 3’s, and Hemp Derived CBD, Part 1
December 10, 2019
Dr. Michael Lewis is an expert on nutritional interventions for brain health, particularly the prevention and rehabilitation of brain injury. He's the author of "When Brains Collide: What Every Athlete and Parent Should Know About the Prevention and Treatment of Concussions and Head Injuries" and he's advisor for CV Sciences. What is a concussion and what causes it? Who is at a higher risk for concussions? How is the use of omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil effective in treating concussions and more serious brain injuries? Dr. Lewis also discusses hemp-derived CBD oil as an additional nutritional tool to help alleviate the anxiety experienced by brain trauma victims. Click HERE for part 2.




Concussions, Omega 3’s, and Hemp Derived CBD, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with CV Sciences Advisor Michael D. Lewis, MD, an expert on nutritional interventions for brain health, particularly the prevention and rehabilitation of brain injury. Click HERE for part 1.




Big Changes Coming to Your Supplements in 2020, Part 1
December 5, 2019
Big changes are coming in 2020 for supplement consumers. Brian Wommack, Senior Vice President of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), previews the new label requirements that are mandated starting next year for dietary supplements. He explains the changes you’ll see when it comes to levels of vitamins A, D, E, and folate. International Units (IUs) will be supplanted by micrograms (mcgs). CRN’s “Label Wise” campaign ( seeks to prepare consumers for the changes and improve label literacy. Wommack discusses the role of CRN as mediator between government regulators and supplement manufacturers; CRN’s goal is to represent progressive, responsible stakeholders within the supplement industry. He decries claims, so often echoed in the media, that the supplement industry is “unregulated” and is a “Wild West” of unaccountable players offering dangerous, adulterated products to unwary consumers. Click HERE for part 2.




Big Changes Coming to Your Supplements in 2020, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Brian Wommack, Senior Vice President of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), who previews the new label requirements that are mandated starting next year for dietary supplements. Click HERE for part 1.




The Physiology of Anger, Part 1
December 3, 2019
Anger takes a toll. The psychology of anger ranks with smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise as a major cardiovascular risk factor. In these angry and polarized times, social media and politics actually monetize anger; they attempt to stoke our emotions to service our consumer society or push a button for one or another candidate. Dr. Christian Conte is a Level V Anger Management Specialist and author of "Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World." He details "Yield Theory," a revolutionary method for de-escalating conflict, promoting clear communication―and changing the way you relate to others in every part of your life. Click HERE for part 2.




The Physiology of Anger, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Christian Conte, author of "Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World." Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: The Case Against Fragrance, Part 1
November 28, 2019
Are you bothered by fragrance? You’re not alone. "The Case Against Fragrance" by best-selling novelist Kate Grenville reveals how widespread fragrance intolerance is, and how it may pose a major health threat. Many suffer headaches, nausea, malaise, asthma, nasal congestion, rashes and brain fog on exposure to fragrances; additionally, most fragrances are artificially synthesized from petrochemicals. Are “natural” fragrances preferable? What about aromatherapy, essential oils, and scented candles? Haven’t most of these chemicals been safety-tested? Why are musks a special case? Is there a downside to tampering with our innate scent-guided biology? Why is perfume use not just a matter of personal choice? Do people have a right to fragrance-free air? Don’t you need fragrance to make deodorant effective? Are there sources of fragrance-free detergents, soaps, personal care products, and cosmetics? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: The Case Against Fragrance, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kate Grenville, author of "The Case Against Fragrance." Click HERE for part 1.




The Frontiers of Anti-Aging Research, Part 1
November 26, 2019
Frontiers of Anti-Aging research with Oliver Medvedik, Ph.D., Vice President of the Life Extension Research Foundation (LEAF). Is anti-aging research about targeting diseases that curtail lifespan, or does it seek to unravel the very mechanisms that drive aging itself? Is it possible to extend lifespan indefinitely? What might be the societal consequences of so many more old people? What are some of the leading current strategies for extending life? Where does exercise fit in? Diet? Brain fitness? Senolytic drugs? Stem cells? CRISPR? What sophisticated new tools are being employed to assess biological (as opposed to chronological) age? What is the “Agemeter”? What are some of the most formidable barriers to promoting universal longevity? What role for nicotinamide riboside? Telomere supplements? Intermittent fasting? Click HERE for part 2.




The Frontiers of Anti-Aging Research, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Oliver Medvedik, Ph.D., Vice President of the Life Extension Research Foundation (LEAF). Click HERE for part 1.



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