

Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 30, Part 2
July 2, 2018
Does a Mediterranean diet have to exclude red meat to be healthy? Natural alternatives for anxiety; Headlines proclaim saturated fat causes PTSD—Really? Flight attendants at higher risk for all types of cancer; A doctor claims too much vitamin D weakens bones, can cause death—True? Higher vitamin D associated with lower rates of breast cancer; Just 23% of adults meet US exercise guidelines; An over-the-counter dietary supplement improves muscle strength in muscular dystrophy. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 9, Part 1
June 11, 2018
Exercise in middle age reduces years spent with chronic diseases and ill health; Fit seniors have muscles and immune systems of 30-year-olds; Tonsillectomy may increase subsequent risk of COPD, other health problems; Strength training vs. depression; Sovereign Health’s Doug Wyatt weighs in on the benefits of colostrum. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 9, Part 2

Supplements for cold prevention; PQQ for neuroprotection; Can you take colostrum if you’re allergic to dairy? Are there substitutes for prescription blood thinners in a frail 100-year-old? Nicotinamide riboside scores vs. Parkinson’s Disease; Exercise counteracts genetic susceptibility to obesity; Why GMO crops may worsen the epidemic of antibiotic resistance; Supplements for neuropathy; Cancer care twice as costly in U.S. vs. Canada, with outcomes similar. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 2, Part 2
June 4, 2018
Fast-walking reduces all-cause mortality; Walking benefits augmented if you chew gum; Standing on a vibration platform increases cartilage thickness, augments bone density, balance, improves body composition; Why are mainstream doctors so reluctant to order 5-hour glucose tolerance tests for patients with hypoglycemia symptoms? Should supplements be taken with fat? With food or away from it? A vitamin D expert provides answers; Low levels of vitamin D associated with cognitive decline; Hot flashes may persist well past middle age; What are Holy Basil supplements good for? New blood test may improve on predictive value of PSAs; A call-to-action: Bring back Home Ec classes! Probiotics taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduce infant eczema by 70%. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 19, Part 1
May 21, 2018
Nutrition researchers finally get it that calories are not all equal; Foods that can help prevent brain shrinkage; Are HGH supplements for stamina and endurance legit? Is there a preferred time to take resveratrol? Can exercise overcome your inherited fat genes? Exercise prevents congestive heart failure, but does a new study preclude its benefits for dementia? Doctor garners $50 million dollars, luxury sports cars, and private planes via unnecessary chemo treatments; Why do 4 out of 5 patients with celiac disease remain undiagnosed? Those eye supplements you take may provide unforeseen benefits for your brain. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




One of the Worst Treated Conditions in Western Medicine, Part 1
May 15, 2018
Dr. Sarah Myhill is one of Britain’s foremost experts on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or as it’s sometimes referred to there, Myalgic Encephalitis (ME). In her book, “Sustainable Medicine,” she claims that “CFS is one of the worst treated conditions in Western Medicine.” Patients are sometimes told to just exercise, or undergo psychotherapy, to recover. Myhill vociferously disagrees, asserting: “Its mitochondria, not hypochondria!” She dismisses the notorious PACE study, which had become the standard of care for CFS sufferers with “graded exercise,” as scientific fraud. How do you repair the mitochondria and boost their function? Why is the Paleo-Ketogenic Diet central to recovery? What does the ATP profile test tell us about mitochondrial function? Dr. Myhill’s pioneering studies document objective improvements in patients’ cellular energetics, in addition to subjective reports of symptom amelioration. What are the five basic supplements she recommends? Why are support of thyroid and adrenal function critical? What role for sleep? How do infections undermine mitochondrial efficiency? Why is detoxification so important for some CFS sufferers? How do heat treatments and chelation help? Dr. Myhill continues to campaign for the rights of CFS patients to be properly diagnosed and treated in the face of what she terms “systemic medical abuse.” Click HERE for part 2.




One of the Worst Treated Conditions in Western Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Sarah Myhill, one of Britain’s foremost experts on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and author of "Sustainable Medicine: Whistle-Blowing on 21st-Century Medical Practice." Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 9, 2018
NYT Science section not sold on fish oil, but highly regard osteoporosis drugs. What supplements can I take to support my joints for progressive resistance training? What type of diet and supplements should my daughter take for fatty liver? Why do you recommend Magnesium taurate over glycinate? Any remedy for aortic valve plaque? Could postmenopausal women be harmed by high iron levels? Click HERE for part 2.




The Nutraceuticals of the Decade? Part 1
May 1, 2018
There’s more to hemp than just CBD (cannabidiol). So says Carl Germano, expert on cannabinoids and Vice President of Verdant Oasis, a quality manufacturer and supplier of hemp-sourced products. Germano explains the “Entourage Effect” whereby numerous compounds in hemp act synergistically on a multitude of physiological pathways. Natural plant-derived cannabinoids have the potential to be the nutraceuticals of the decade. They have been used in folk medicine for nervous disorders and painful conditions for millennia. What’s their utility for headaches? For back pain? As an alternative to opiates and NSAIDs? For insomnia? To prevent and reverse osteoporosis? For ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease? For skin problems? To support athletic performance and recovery? For neurodegenerative disorders? Even for cancer? Why has hemp been unfairly stigmatized? What’s its legal status? How do the various delivery systems compare: oral capsules, tinctures, vaping, vs. topical application? Germano details what consumers should look for in terms of quality considerations. As a postscript, in light of his authorship of The Osteoporosis Solution, Germano weighs in on the bone benefits of ipriflavone.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 28, Part 2
April 30, 2018
Natural therapies for gout; Paucity of greens in popular baby foods—missed opportunity for teaching kids to eat their veggies; Chocolate benefits seen for vision, blood pressure, mood; Drinking baking soda may alleviate autoimmune symptoms; Shingles vaccine fail adds to Merck woes; Why are eggs still denied “healthy” label when breakfast cereals receive American Heart Association endorsement? Do isometric exercises raise your blood pressure? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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