Digestive Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
June 21, 2017
What is the progression of trigeminal neuralgia, what treatments can help? I have lower abdominal cramping and discomfort every time I eat, help! I am positive for two copies of the C677T variant of the MTHFR mutation, what does this mean? I have fatty liver and my doctor suggested Lipitor, does this treatment approach make any sense? Can L-carnitine inhibit thyroid function, I thought it was helpful for weight loss? I have iron deficiency anemia and my doctor wants me to have a kidney sonogram, why? Click HERE for part 1.




Leyla Weighs In
June 9, 2017
Hoffman Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers this listener question: Do you and Dr. Hoffman have any concerns about our GI tract's ability to extract all the nutrients from a blended smoothie versus a pure juice with the fiber removed, and how does it impact the rate of absorption?




ENCORE: Take Charge of Your Metabolism, Part 1
May 30, 2017
Dr. Gerard Mullin, America’s foremost integrative gastroenterologist, discusses his book, The Gut Balance Revolution; How can you take charge of your metabolism by altering your microbiome? Dr. Mullin details the damaging effects of antibiotics, acid-blockers, and poor quality diet on our intestinal integrity; What can be done to restore balance? Is there a “magic bullet” probiotic that can melt the pounds off? What is The Calorie Myth, and how does it thwart dieters? Is there a corresponding Exercise Myth? Dr. Mullin explains how disruption of GI flora can thwart the simple laws of thermodynamics. Will gastroenterologists embrace this new paradigm? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Take Charge of Your Metabolism, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Gerard Mullin, America’s foremost integrative gastroenterologist, about how can you take charge of your metabolism by altering your microbiome. Click HERE for part 1.




ENCORE: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 1
May 15, 2017
Dr. Benjamin Brown explores natural approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in his new book, "The Digestive Health Solution: Your Personalized Five-Step Plan for Inside-Out Digestive Wellness." Is your IBS “all in your head?” Do you just have to “learn to live with it?” Are there various subtypes of IBS that require different answers? Why is there no “one-size-fits-all” approach to IBS? What is “visceral hypersensitivity” What’s the FODMAP diet and how can it help IBS sufferers? What role for melatonin, peppermint, carminative herbs, kiwi extract (Phloe), probiotics, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid supplements? How do sleep and exercise impact IBS? What innovative tests can help reveal the underlying causes of your IBS? Are meditation and stress reduction helpful? Click HERE for part 2.




ENCORE: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Benajmin Brown, exploring natural approaches to Irritable bowel Syndrome. Click HERE for part 1.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 22, Part 2
April 24, 2017
Oral contraceptives reduce general well-being in healthy women; Skin rash--was it shingles? Could Hashimoto's thyroiditis make you feel sick even if you get the right dose of thyroid medication? What's more important in a probiotic, quality or quantity? Memorializing three luminaries of natural medicine who died this month; Melatonin for GERD. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In
April 14, 2017
The role of prebiotics vs. probiotics. What is the action of each? When should each be taken? Can they be taken at the same time? What are some examples of good prebiotics?




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
April 12, 2017
I’m taking Niacel to prevent glaucoma, can I continue taking Niacinamide too? My 82-year-old mother has moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation, will she need a valve replacement? Your patient workups are so thorough! How do I get my doctor to do the same for me? Click HERE for part 1.




Leyla Weighs In
April 7, 2017
Are dietary lectins a real concern for most people? How can we avoid them if they're in so many healthy foods?



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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Traveling During the COVID-19 Crisis
