Digestive Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 9, Part 1
December 11, 2017
46 million Americans headed to Alzheimer’s Disease; Canola oil implicated in cognitive decline; How safe is it for pregnant women to take the TDAP vaccine? Does the high fat content of the ketogenic diet make it unsafe? Whole eggs (with yolks) outperform egg whites for muscle-building; Is the low-fat DASH diet best for hypertension? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 6, 2017
More on diagnosis creep and the high blood pressure guidelines. Can you comment on the studies that purport Paleo diets and other high protein diets do not lower blood sugar? I've been having hard stools every day with my bowel movements, am I drinking enough water? Is it my supplements? Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 2, Part 2
December 4, 2017
Young men who are bald and grey have a five-fold risk of premature heart disease; Mushrooms deliver antioxidants with neuroprotective and anti-aging effects; New Apple watch app detects dangerous heart arrhythmias; Can the flu shot make you sick? Nutritional support for “smoldering myeloma”; Practicing correct breathing alleviates GERD; Can exposure to air pollution trigger osteoporosis? Could a vegetarian diet increase heart disease risk? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 11, Part 2
November 13, 2017
Long-term use of acid-blockers ups risk of stomach cancer by eight-fold; “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” proves to be sound health advice; Six foods that fight colon cancer; A caller who self-medicates with chocolate fudge caramel ice cream; New survey shows avoidance of GMO foods helps alleviate GI symptoms, many other health complaints; Half of world’s population gets less than five minutes per doctor’s visit, Antioxidant supplements and foods help diabetes. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Leyla Weighs In
November 3, 2017
Research suggests fungus may play a key role in Crohn's disease and chronic intestinal inflammation; Meditation and yoga can change your DNA.




Unlocking the Key to IBS, Part 1
October 24, 2017
Everything you ever wanted to know about SIBO—Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Unlocking the key to IBS and many systemic complaints; Dr. Allison Siebecker is a world-renowned expert on SIBO, using an integrative approach that combines modern diagnostic techniques, conventional medicine, diet, and anti-microbial botanicals. What are the causes of SIBO? How is it related to “food poisoning”? How do you test for SIBO? What type of diet helps SIBO? Why is diet alone not a solution? What’s the importance of motility? How can it be enhanced? What herbal remedies work best? Is there a connection to stress? How do certain medical conditions set sufferers up for SIBO? To learn more, sign up for the SIBO SOS Summit by clicking HERE. Click HERE for part 2.




Unlocking the Key to IBS, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Allison Siebecker, a world-renowned expert on SIBO—Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
October 18, 2017
Obesity today has increased ten-fold compared to the 1970s! Is Big Sugar going the way of Big Tobacco? Is severe belching a symptom of gallbladder disease? Are infrared saunas really helpful for detoxification? Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 14, Part 2
October 16, 2017
Magnesium’s brain benefits—it helps depression and fends off dementia; Magnesium threonate crosses the blood-brain barrier; Does your nutritionist suffer from an eating disorder? Gastro symptoms in a patient with Sjögren’s syndrome; Should fruit be avoided by someone with atherosclerosis? What to do when you’re told you need statins, but they cause debilitating muscle pain? Ten-fold increase in child and adolescent obesity since 1970s; Overweight Americans now outnumber those with normal weight. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 5, Part 1
October 2, 2017
Fossil evidence of early man indicates maybe Salmon and Salad Diet should be changed to Mammoth and Salad Diet; Lutein counteracts brain aging; Endefen for GERD; Yoga for depression; EGCG mitigates effect of Western Diet on insulin resistance, brain health; How often should you swap out your old sponges? Alzheimer's Association launches 20 million dollar study on lifestyle impact on brain disorders. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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How Pollutants and Food Additives May Undermine Our Immune Responses, Part 1
