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ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 17, Part 1 August 19, 2019 Chances are, your doctor is burnt out—here’s why; Alarming rise in consumption of caffeinated energy drinks; Ozone for the treatment of ovarian cancer; New medical device approved to treat ADHD; How to read a blood test; Poor sense of smell increases 10 year risk of dying by 50%; Urine tests may offer alternative to PAP smears for cervical cancer detection; Zero tolerance for alcohol in pregnancy; FBI raids offices of popular stool testing company. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 27, Part 1 July 29, 2019 Supermarkets are specifically engineered to make us fat; Don’t eat after 2 PM to curb appetite, lose weight; Even if you’re normal weight, curbing food intake slashed metabolic risks for heart disease, stroke, diabetes—even cancer; Resveratrol vs. anxiety/depression; When it comes to blood pressure, both numbers count; Allergan recalls breast implants; Vitamin D combats diabetes; Could the shingles vaccine trigger a herpes outbreak? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Chemicals in Sunscreen July 17, 2019 Marianne Williamson brings health care issues to the forefront; Does your gut bacteria impact physical performance?; Can the chemicals in sunscreen cause cancer or is it just hype? Click HERE for part 1.
Active Holistic Surveillance for Prostate Cancer, Part 1 July 11, 2019 Dr. Aaron Katz, Chairman of Urology at NYU Winthrop, was an early proponent of Active Holistic Surveillance for prostate cancer, which engages diet and lifestyle to enable men to avoid aggressive treatment with potentially-debilitating radiation or surgery. Do the studies support this approach? Should the routine screening PSA be abandoned as was once recommended by the US Preventive Services Task Force? Rather than immediately performing biopsies on men with suspicious PSAs, what non-invasive tests can help shed light on whether cancer is likely? What innovations have been made in treatments for men with advanced prostate cancer? What are the downsides of hormonal treatment? Is testosterone replacement safe for men with “Low T”? Dr. Katz shares the surprising results of studies evaluating the advisability and safety of testosterone for men with heart disease—and even after treatment for prostate cancer. Are herbal supplements with ingredients like saw palmetto useful for men’s urinary symptoms? What’s the deal with daily Cialis? Click HERE for part 2.
Active Holistic Surveillance for Prostate Cancer, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Aaron Katz, Chairman of Urology at NYU Winthrop. Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 6, Part 1 July 8, 2019 Why people don’t lose weight when they exercise; Is strontium helpful for hip arthritis? Overcoming fibromyalgia; Pesticides and gut bacteria linked to depression; Adding UV light to henhouses boosts vitamin D in eggs; Eat nuts—get sexier? Austria becomes first nation to ban Round-Up over cancer risk. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 29, Part 1 July 1, 2019 The Democratic presidential candidate with an innovative healthcare platform; Does dairy REALLY cause more nasal congestion? Could “virtual mice” reduce need for experimentation on live animals? Natural Rx for high blood pressure; Is coconut oil unhealthy? Are subsequent rounds of chemo effective after cancer returns? Are male sperm the planet’s most endangered species? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: The Impact of Nutrition on the Nervous System, Part 1 June 27, 2019 Metabolic Typing, Acid/Alkaline, and the impact of nutrition on the Autonomic Nervous System. Dr. Colin Ross was so impressed with the miraculous recoveries of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s cancer patients that he sought to preserve his legacy. Why is it that some people thrive on a vegetarian diet, others become weak and sick? Conversely, Paleo or ketogenic diets work great for certain individuals, while others tolerate them poorly? The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez addresses this conundrum in his posthumously published book, "Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System." The book explains the Kelly Metabolic Types which range from Sympathetic Dominant to Parasympathetic Dominant, each calling for a specific diet and supplement regimen. It turns out that most solid tumors like pancreas and colon are responsive to a primarily vegetarian raw foods diet; patients with “blood cancers” like lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma tend to be supported by diets higher in animal protein. For a Sympathetic Dominant, B12 and Calcium are counter-productive, but they benefit Parasympathetic Dominants; Conversely, magnesium, and potassium are great for Sympathetic Dominants, but Parasympathetic Dominants need less of these nutrients. Kelly’s scheme was refined by Dr. Gonzalez into a remarkably successful protocol for cancer and other challenging medical conditions with the incorporation of mega-doses of pancreatic enzymes and detoxification protocols like liver flushes and coffee enemas. Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The Impact of Nutrition on the Nervous System, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Colin Ross of the Colin A. Ross Institute. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: HPV June 26, 2019 My husband has osteoporosis and can't tolerate strontium because it makes him gag. Is there another remedy?; I take antibiotics for dental procedures due to my bilateral knee replacements and subsequent revisions; My last White Blood Cell count was 3.5. Should I be concerned?; Could you comment on the connection with HPV and cancer? Click HERE for part 1.