

The Many Exciting Benefits of Sulforaphane, Part 1
August 29, 2017
Sulforaphane is one of the most exciting nutrients in the integrative medicine armamentarium, harnessing the chemo-preventive benefits of cruciferous vegetables. It is no mere passing fad—its value is substantiated by numerous scientific studies. Today we talk to an expert on sulforaphane, Dr. David Haase, Chief Medical and Innovation Director for XYMOGEN, a maker of high-quality nutraceuticals dispensed by health professionals. Sulforaphane is chemopreventive; it has exhibited activity against a wide range of cancers. In addition, it is neuroprotective; it may slow neurodegenerative processes in the brain, hence its application to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, and even autism, where a recent study showed it improved speech and behavior. Animal research suggests it might even be an adjunct to weight loss. And it is a strong detoxifier, which explains its role in ameliorating allergies. How best to harness the benefits of sulforaphane from food? What if you can't stand the taste of cruciferous vegetables? Will supplements deliver equivalent sulforaphane benefits? What supplements are backed by research? Is there a danger of suppressing thyroid function due to goitrogenic effects of compounds in cruciferous vegetables? Sulforaphane and Sulforaphane ES are now available online from Dr. Hoffman's supplement store at Fullscript. Click HERE for part 2.




How to Prevent Autism, Part 1
August 24, 2017
"How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals." Who better than the mother of an autistic child to write a book detailing present knowledge about prevention and treatment of autism? Interviewing eight top health professionals, Dana Berger explains how vaccines, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, genetic susceptibility, food intolerances, and microbiome disruption create a perfect storm for the neuroinflammation that results in autistic behaviors. Why is autism reaching epidemic proportions in industrialized countries? How do MTHFR variants set the stage for autism? How did helminth therapy--with live worms!--help Dara's child? Why do GMO foods contribute to autism risk? Why should vaccines not be dismissed as innocuous? How can parents prepare to optimize pregnancy outcomes? What supplements are crucial? How can the Specific Carbohydrate Diet help? Berger's previews her next project: a comprehensive documentary on natural treatment for autism and childhood developmental disorders. Click HERE for part 2.




How to Prevent Autism, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dara Berger, author of "How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals." Click HERE for part 1.



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