

Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
March 7, 2018
Highlights from the Integrative Healthcare Symposium. Would you have any experience treating Shwachman-Diamond syndrome? How can I take all of my various supplements without getting overwhelmed? I want to live to 120! Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 10, Part 2
February 12, 2018
If you’re told to stop your blood thinners for a dental procedure, does that mean you have to stop supplements? Is fish oil a no-no before surgery? Nicotinamide riboside (Niacel®️) shown to slow brain deterioration in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s—human trials to follow; Natural treatments for uveitis; Life expectancy in the U.S. takes a nosedive and now lags behind other developed countries; Can shocks to the brain reboot memory? Oral contraceptives boost breast cancer risk, but lower risk for others; Popular crash diets pose heart danger; Halle Berry embraces Keto diet for her diabetes, cites anti-aging benefits; Diet, supplements for psoriatic arthritis. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 7, 2018
Vitamin D slashes cardiovascular risk. Will cheaper, innovative, efficient healthcare tank the stock market? I took Cipro for many years for UTIs and have tendon ruptures, is there any way of resolving this side effect? My 56-year-old girlfriend has arthritis in her hands, what are the best supplements to take? What is the best diet to follow if you have coronary artery plaque -- are cheese and coconut oil really ok? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 10, 2018
A cure for Alzheimer's disease found in a diabetes drug? Yoga improves bone mineral density in those with osteoporosis. I used to take Strontium for osteoporosis and then stopped when it improved, now I have osteoporosis again. Should I start taking it again? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 13, 2017
Food deserts vs. food swamps: which is worse for health? I've heard vitamin B1 is effective in preventing Alzheimer's, what is your opinion? Should pregnant women avoid cold cuts and certain cheeses? Click HERE for part 2.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 9, Part 1
December 11, 2017
46 million Americans headed to Alzheimer’s Disease; Canola oil implicated in cognitive decline; How safe is it for pregnant women to take the TDAP vaccine? Does the high fat content of the ketogenic diet make it unsafe? Whole eggs (with yolks) outperform egg whites for muscle-building; Is the low-fat DASH diet best for hypertension? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 2, Part 2
December 4, 2017
Young men who are bald and grey have a five-fold risk of premature heart disease; Mushrooms deliver antioxidants with neuroprotective and anti-aging effects; New Apple watch app detects dangerous heart arrhythmias; Can the flu shot make you sick? Nutritional support for “smoldering myeloma”; Practicing correct breathing alleviates GERD; Can exposure to air pollution trigger osteoporosis? Could a vegetarian diet increase heart disease risk? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 18, Part 2
November 20, 2017
Only 1 in 10 Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables; Are new blood thinners like Pradaxa and Xarelto safer and more effective than Coumadin for atrial fibrillation? The number one exercise for slowing the aging process; Sugary beverage consumption wanes, but not enough among high-risk populations to stem worldwide toll of 184,000 annual deaths; Getting a dog may save your life; Why psychologists should team with personal trainers to vanquish mood disorders; Mushrooms deliver potent anti-aging benefits; Researchers discover why the flu vaccine so often fails. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 28, Part 1
October 30, 2017
Vitamin K partners with vitamin D to combat knee arthritis; Is homeopathic growth hormone beneficial? Is it OK to take calcium when you have an ulcer? Is almond milk a good source of calcium? Olive oil combats diabetes; Eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps smokers quit; NY State bans indoor vaping as studies emerge linking vaping to emphysema risk; New study shows high % of baby foods contain arsenic, cadmium, lead, bisphenol A. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 21, Part 1
October 23, 2017
Hypoglycemia’s modern update: Obese and Type 2 diabetics suffer lower brain glucose levels; When an 85-yr-old can’t control their blood sugar with a low-carb diet and weight loss; Pricey, highly touted new cancer drugs deliver marginal benefits; How stress may be as bad for you as poor diet (Hint: It’s about the microbiome!); “Ridiculously healthy” elderly have the same gut microbiome as healthy 30 yr olds; Women who get frequent UTIs should drink more water, but too much could land them in the hospital! Is safflower oil healthy? Iodine supplementation—what’s the best formulation? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Traveling During the COVID-19 Crisis
