The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 25, Part 1
April 27, 2015
Feds say homeopathy is worthless and dangerous at the same time--but how can "nothing" cause harm? Doctors gone wild: British facial surgeon punches out patient; Long Island cardiologist takes out a contract on a competitor; Omega 3s ease nicotine withdrawal; Too much sitting increases breast cancer risk; CoQ10 alleviates symptoms in 80% of veterans with Gulf War Syndrome; Dr. Christopher Mohr, sports nutritionist dishes on role Omega 3s can play in weight loss: How can you make sure fish oil is free of contaminants? What about recent press reports claiming fish oil benefits are over-stated? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 25, Part 2

Dr. Oz comes out swinging, defends himself from detractors citing their links to Big Business; Vitamins can cause cancer--REALLY?? A shiitake mushroom a day keeps the doctor away; Pepsi to drop Nutrasweet from their diet drinks; Kraft switches from artificial to natural coloring in their Mac 'n Cheese offerings; The new "smoking gun" study conclusively linking sugary soda consumption to heart disease. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
April 22, 2015
WatsonChef: Will a super- computer replace human chefs? I’m on a low carb diet and now I have "Keto Rash." Intravenous vitamin C for acute myeloid leukemia? Why is my diastolic blood pressure reading so low? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Is organ regeneraton via stem cell therapy ready for prime time? Do I have to take my blood pressure medication for life? How to treat migraine when diets don’t work. Nutritional therapies for gingivitis. Click HERE for part 1.



The offensive against herbal supplements, Part 1
April 21, 2015
Dr. Andrea Wong, Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, weighs in on New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s offensive against herbal supplements; is this an example of grandstanding in the guise of consumer advocacy? Dr. Wong discusses an independent White Paper that critiques the AG’s reliance on an unreliable methodology, DNA barcoding, to assess supplement quality. Is the supplement industry "poorly-regulated” as alleged by the AG? Why hasn’t the AG released the actual reports upon which his investigation is predicated? How can consumers be assured of quality and potency when purchasing natural products? What safeguards are in place to avert toxicity? Was the FDA asleep at the switch over marketing of an amphetamine-like synthetic ingredient (BMPEA) that should have been banned? Is this representative of the unreliability of the supplement industry as a whole? She urges consumers to join the #ReleaseTheReport Twitter campaign. Click HERE for part 2.



The offensive against herbal supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Andrea Wong, Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, as she weighs in on New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s offensive against herbal supplements. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 18, Part 1
April 20, 2015
Exercise: Results may vary! The Goldilocks Effect in exercise--too little, too much, or just right? How much of your tax bill went to health care? The answer may surprise you! Spotlight on Inflammation: Jame LaValle R.Ph. talks causes, tests, and treatments. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 18, Part 2

Top physicians demand that Columbia fire Dr. Oz, but themselves are rife with conflicts of interest; Short people at higher risk for heart disease; Low B12 levels lead to osteoporosis in senior men; Sugar fix helps quell stress, but causes long-term damage to stress responses; A grateful heart is a healthy heart. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



The Gene Therapy Plan, Part 1
April 15, 2015
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, integrative oncologist, discusses his new book, The Gene Therapy Plan. Your genes are NOT your destiny, and diet, exercise, stress reduction and targeted supplementation impact epigenetics—the expression of our genetic potential. We can literally turn on and turn off cancer and other diseases with the choices we make. Dr. Gaynor discusses black cumin seed, green tea, curcumin, vitamin D, glutathione and many other nutrients as gene modifiers. Is intravenous vitamin C helpful for cancer? Do antioxidants block the effectiveness of cancer therapies? Low-fat vs. low-carb diet in cancer prevention; the importance of the microbiome; how to overcome cancer fatigue and “chemo brain”; are breakthroughs being made in conventional oncology that will improve cancer care? Click HERE for part 2.



The Gene Therapy Plan, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, integrative oncologist, about his new book, The Gene Therapy Plan. Click HERE for part 1.


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