The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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The Holidays: A Prolonged Assault on Our Microbiome, Part 2
November 24, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 21, Part 1
November 23, 2015
A "Modern Family” story—transgender male “accidentally" gives birth to daughter; Was the unprotected sex that HIV-positive Charlie Sheen had with partners OK because it was “medically-supervised?” Hidden gluten lurks in common medications—support the Gluten in Medicine Disclosure Act; Medicated eyedrops slow nearsightedness in children; Mercury lurks in high-fructose corn syrup. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 21, Part 2

Frankenfish approved by Feds as Government prohibits labeling to consumers; Cancer cell growth stoked by carbohydrates, new studies point to cancer-starving effect of ketogenic diet; Early dog exposure lowers asthma risk in children; Exposure to art and nature boost immune system; Apple-shaped body prompts loss-of-control eating; Moderate coffee consumption linked to reduced risk of death; AMA calls for ban on direct-to-consumer drug ads; Federal criminal prosecution of makers of adulterated supplements JackED, OxyElite Pro. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
November 20, 2015
Does eating nuts leach calcium from bones? Do nuts need to be soaked and dehydrated? What's the best way to roast vegetables? Can I cook with avocado oil? Is it beneficial? Holiday stress---don't sweat it.



All the Breaking Health News from the American College for Advancement in Medicine Meeting, Part 1
November 19, 2015
I recently attended the annual meeting of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) in Las Vegas. Here’s a brief synopsis of some of the highlights: • Dr. Tony Lamas presented the results of the TACT study—a resounding vindication of chelation therapy. In fact, chelation works better than any known drug to prevent heart disease! • Drs. Jennifer Landa and Lynn Patrick addressed environmental toxins: What are signs that your detox systems are failing? What supplements help to restore them? • Dr. Russell Jaffee lists the tests that assess your anti-aging defenses • Cancer: High-tech breakthroughs, hyperthermia, and the ketogenic diet (Dr. Thomas Seyfried) • Dr. Tom Guilliams on adrenal function, saliva cortisol tests, the effects of stress, and natural adaptogens • Preconception planning, pregnancy and infancy with Dr. Martha Herbert • Nutrigenomics—how genetic analysis can guide diet and supplement choices Click HERE for part 2.



All the Breaking Health News from the American College for Advancement in Medicine Meeting, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his synopsis of the American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting in Las Vegas. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
November 18, 2015
Are lysine and arginine helpful for osteoporosis? What are the best tests for leaky gut? What are the best tests for adrenal function? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

My husband has swollen ankles and feet, what’s going on? If I rinse sauerkraut to remove some of the sodium, doesn’t it also remove the probiotics? What do you think of kombucha, is it better than taking probiotics? What’s causing the irritation in my colon? What is the difference between lowering blood pressure with SuperBeets vs. amlodipine? Why is my mouth so dry while I’m in China? Click HERE for part 1.



A Six Point Program to Reverse Postpartum Depression, Part 1
November 17, 2015
Postpartum depression is a serious problem that confronts a high percentage of new mothers. Pharmacological fixes offer only partial relief with the risk of serious side effects. Dr. Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D. is a psychologist who specializes in postpartum depression and pregnancy-related problems. She outlines a 6 point program to head off or reverse postpartum symptoms. It is comprised of lifestyle modification with diet, exercise, and optimal sleep, as well as sound mental hygiene principles. Supplements, too, may play a role in preventing or ameliorating postpartum depression, especially the Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. How can you tell if you just have a normal case of short-term “postpartum blues,” or a full-blown case of postpartum depression? How can partners be part of the solution? How to eat strategically to ward off symptoms? What role do wildly fluctuating hormones play? How do Omega 3s offer dual benefits—to Mom, as well as her offspring? Click HERE for part 2.



A Six Point Program to Reverse Postpartum Depression, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D., a psychologist who specializes in postpartum depression and pregnancy-related problems. Click HERE for part 1.


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