The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 15, 2016
Popular entertainers endorsing junk food. Is there a non-whey source of branch chain amino acids? What do you say to those who claim glucosamine/chondroitin is ineffective for arthritis? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What are the best supplements to take for high blood pressure while maintaining my medication? What do you think of the Scandinavian study that says you can maintain weight loss after one year of dieting due to adaptation of hunger hormones? What do you think of nicotinamide riboside for longevity? Click HERE for part 1.



True Extreme Makeover, Part 1
June 14, 2016
The Biggest Loser show enjoyed astounding popularity a decade ago. But recently, a well-publicized study revealed that almost all the contestants regained their lost weight and more. Many are plagued with a “stuck” metabolism that resists weight loss no matter how stringently they diet or how hard they exercise. The scientific conclusion is that dramatic weight-loss is nearly impossible to maintain due to alterations in leptin metabolism. Self-transformation expert Kat James weighs in with an alternative interpretation: She believes that the Biggest Loser paradigm was doomed to failure from the start because it invoked the wrong diet (ultra-low calorie and low-fat) and extremes of exercise, which are ineffective and unsustainable. Kat herself is a shining example of self-transformation because she successfully employed a leptin-sensitization program to overcome extreme binging and fatty liver, in the process dropping ten dress sizes over several years. Kat plumbs the science of leptin and describes how carb restriction and consumption of healthy dietary fat allow a reset of metabolism and appetite. Some of the benefits come from helpful alterations to the microbiome, the gut bacteria that mediate hormonal balance. Kat suspects that the Biggest Loser study was to some extent “planted” by BigPharma and the gastric bypass industries to make dieting seem futile and to prompt overweight persons to shift to reliance on medical or surgical “fixes” for obesity. With her “Total Transformation” program, significant and permanent weight loss is attainable, with freedom from cravings and deprivation, even without incessant exercise. Click HERE for part 2.



True Extreme Makeover, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kat James, author of "The Truth About Beauty: Transform Your Looks And Your Life From The Inside Out." Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 11, Part 1
June 13, 2016
Down’s Syndrome can be treated with EGCG: Hydrating with sugary soda may worsen dehydration; Stevia helps blood sugar; Over-the-counter diarrhea drug is the new craze for getting high; New test reveals Alzheimer’s risk 10 years earlier with 100% accuracy; Kris Kristofferson falls prey to medical misdiagnosis; Reg’Activ, a new probiotic that delivers glutathione. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 11, Part 2

Nutrient cocktail delays aging, staves off age-related memory loss; Study questions use of anti-depressants in children, teens; "Spin rage” prompts lawsuit; Listener questions about the “Yeast Connection,” natural alternatives to shoulder surgery, a mysterious fever and liver problems after antibiotics, what is AMPK? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
June 10, 2016
To optimize health and prevent sarcopenia, the RDA for protein falls short. Here's how much we actually need and where to get it; The importance of magnesium in health and why we're not getting enough of it.



Ideal Medical Care, Part 1
June 9, 2016
Our flawed medical system may be undermined by doctor dissatisfaction, which is reaching unprecedented levels. Physician suicide is a taboo subject that often goes under-reported. Dr. Pamela Wible of and author of "Physician Suicide Letters Answered" calls out the pressures to which medical professionals are routinely subjected: Impossible hours, abusive superiors, hazing rituals, regimentation, humiliation, machismo and the ever-present imperative to seem perfect and unperturbable. The results are physician burnout, patient abuse, avoidable mistakes, and rote medical care. Dr. Wible envisions Ideal Medical Care in which doctors in training are nurtured humanely and offered opportunities for personal expression and growth. Some MDs are striving to create their own ideal medical clinics which better address patients’ needs than our current assembly line care system. Other student doctors are dropping out of conventional training programs and designing their own curriculum, customized to their personal interests and career goals. Click HERE for part 2.



Ideal Medical Care, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Pamela Wible of and author of "Physician Suicide Letters Answered." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 7, 2016
Evidence of leaky gut in 1916? What do you think of collagen protein? What can I take for Barrett’s esophagus instead of proton pump inhibitors? Will taking melatonin long term reduce production of it in my pineal gland? Click HERE for part 2.


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