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Clinical Focus: Sulforaphane, A Shield Against Many Cancers, Part 1
July 6, 2016
Sulforaphane is one of the most exciting nutrients in the integrated medicine repertoire. It is chemo-preventive—it provides a shield against many cancers. It also may be neuro-protective, counteracting stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. It has the advantage, unlike other known anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals, to readily cross the blood-brain barrier. In a recent study, it was found to enhance behavioral and verbal performance in autistic subjects. Why is it a bad idea to overcook broccoli and other cabbage family vegetables? What if you suffer gas and bloating or can’t stand the bitter taste of raw cruciferous vegetables? What does the research say about the bio-availability of sulforaphane supplements? Can sulforaphane supplements or cruciferous vegetables damage the thyroid? Click HERE for part 2.



Clinical Focus: Sulforaphane, A Shield Against Many Cancers, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his talk on sulforaphane, one of the most exciting nutrients in the integrated medicine repertoire. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 5, 2016
The new military health scourge: Burn pits. Should I continue drinking kefir given that dairy can be carcinogenic? What can I take for erosive osteoarthritis? Is it true that MSG is often disguised in our foods? How should I eat for diverticulosis? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What do you think of the theory that nanobacteria in arterial plaque can be treated with tetracycline to reverse atherosclerosis? I have the APOE 4 gene mutation, how should I eat, low carb or low fat? What do you think of bromelain for prostate cancer? What supplements for Active Surveillance? Now that fat is not the enemy, what is healthier, turkey burger or hamburger? Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In
July 1, 2016
Is magnesium oxide more effective for alleviating constipation than magnesium citrate? What supplements should I consider taking to improve my osteopenia?



A Promising Neuro-Protective Nutraceutical, Part 1
June 30, 2016
Luteolin is a promising neuro-protective nutraceutical, with possible applications to a wide variety of disorders: autism, migraines, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), CFS/fibromyalgia, "brain fog,” multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and even cancer. Dr. Theoharis Theoharides is Director of Molecular Immunopharmacology and Drug Discovery at Tufts University School of Medicine. He explains the possible connection between autism and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: histamine and cytokines disrupt the blood-brain barrier, cause leaky gut, and allow influx of toxins and autoantigens which result in brain inflammation and damage to neural repair mechanisms. Luteolin, a flavonoid found in a variety of plants, offers a means of curbing mast cell activation in the brain. The product NeuroProtek was formulated by Alginot to maximize luteolin's bio-availability for brain applications. Dr. Theoharides describes extensive research which validates the plausibility for use of luteolin in neuro-behavioral disorders; large-scale clinical trials are planned. A new formulation called “BrainGain” promises to amplify luteolin’s protective effects. Click HERE for part 2.



A Promising Neuro-Protective Nutraceutical, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Theoharis Theoharides, Director of Molecular Immunopharmacology and Drug Discovery at Tufts University School of Medicine. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 29, 2016
Is LeBron James on a ketogenic diet? Is the amount of sugar in my water kefir significant enough to pose a health hazard? I’m having trouble maintaining my ketogenic diet---and drinking red wine with dinner seems to throw me out of ketosis altogether – help! Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 2

If someone on Coumadin were having a heart attack, would you give them an aspirin? Which vitamin D test is the correct one? Should I stop taking vitamin D a few days before a test? How dangerous is untreated sleep apnea? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 25, Part 1
June 27, 2016
How often should you replace your running shoes? Does in-store "gait analysis" match you with better training footwear? Cushy "Maximalist" shoes have replaced minimalist sneakers for runners--are they better? Americans' diets improve, but income and ethnic gaps widen; Beneficial bacteria may protect women's breasts from cancer; Young boys who smoke pot may stunt their growth by 4 inches; Oops! Nasal spray flu vaccine recommended for kids ruled ineffective; Bizarre new medical weight loss device drains food from the stomach--critics are incensed! Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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