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Dr. Hoffman’s Summer Potpourri of Health Stories, Part 1
August 30, 2016
A review of the new book “ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and Making of an American Epidemic,” an expose of the unwarranted use and relentless promotion of ADHD drugs for kids; Flaxseed for prostate cancer; Probiotics given to pregnant women reduce their babies' likelihood of developing eczema; Researchers find a metabolic fingerprint for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—in the gut; When you get lung cancer, living with air pollution can decrease survival; Volunteering yields tangible health benefits in older adults; Electrical stimulation of vagus nerve reduces inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis; Administering DHA after stroke can reduce reperfusion damage; Are NSAIDs for tendonitis and sports injuries counter-productive? Click HERE for part 2.



Dr. Hoffman’s Summer Potpourri of Health Stories, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his summary of important health stories that there hasn't been time to cover. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 27, Part 1
August 28, 2016
When it comes to fat intake, it’s not how much you eat, it’s when you eat it; Night time feedings make babies fatter; EGCG prevent abdominal aneurysms; Antibiotics promote childhood obesity, increase their risk for both Type I and Type 2 diabetes; Harvard study finds lower IQ in kids who consume fluoridated water. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 27, Part 2

Nicotinamide riboside restores impaired muscle function in aging mice; A breakthrough guided ultrasound treatment offers hope to sufferers of essential tremor; Low levels of vitamin B6 and iron increase risk for panic attacks; Listener questions about the potential hazards of injectable contrast for CT scans and MRIs; low blood sodium; stem cells for knee pain, and supplements for surgery; Does vitamin K increase the risk of blood clots? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
August 26, 2016
Hoffman Center Leyla Muedin does a deep-dive on the extremely important antioxidant, vitamin E. Is there a reason most vitamin E supplements don't include tocotrienols? And should tocotrienols be taken separately from tocopherols?



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
August 24, 2016
Why are so many functional labs tests restricted in New York? Are wireless home security systems as dangerous to health as cell phone towers? What are your recommendations for a healthy 44-year-old woman trying to conceive? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

How can I tell if my blood is too thin from some of the supplements I’m taking like fish oil and garlic? Can medical marijuana help my father with his metastatic cancer and trigeminal neuralgia pain? I’m trying to get off Prilosec but I still have reflux…help! Click HERE for part 1.



Dr. Hoffman’s Triathlon Comeback, Part 1
August 23, 2016
On Sunday, August 14, Dr. Hoffman completed the Riverhead Rocks triathlon. Over a period of 25 years starting at the age of 38, he has completed over 15 Olympic distance competitions. What is a triathlon like? Why do it? What age-related factors winnow the field of senior triathletes? How did Dr. Hoffman stage a comeback after debilitating injuries sidelined him from competition for several years? How did chiropractic help? What role did the Whole 30 Diet play? What performance edge did nicotinamide riboside (Niacel) confer? What was it like to race in 90 degree high-humidity conditions? Click HERE for part 2.



Dr. Hoffman’s Triathlon Comeback, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his talk on how he staged a triathlon comeback after debilitating injuries sidelined him from competition for several years. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 20, Part 1
August 22, 2016
Maker of “Epi-pens” gouge families with life-threatening allergies with astronomical price increases; Unhealthy diet in pregnancy could be linked to ADHD; Diet and exercise can reduce brain tangles linked to Alzheimer’s; Swimming relieves symptoms of fibromyalgia; You can’t outrun a bad diet—exercise without healthy eating is not a cure for obesity; This year’s Olympic athletes shun “feed-bag” mentality with healthier diets; 120 year old Indian man says yoga, bland diet, celibacy key to old age. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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