The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Part 1: A Flawed Study on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Patients Fight Back
October 13, 2016
CFS patients fight back against flawed PACE study! It may seem like a paradox that exhausted, debilitated patients should be engaged in a militant effort to refute the conclusions of a study published in the Lancet in 2011 which posited that “fatigued patients who go out and exercise have the best hope of recovery.” The PACE study claimed that CFS patients were deconditioned and exercise-phobic, and that dramatic successes could be achieved with “graded exercise” and cognitive behavioral therapy. Critics of the study were denounced as “cranks.” But CFS activists (an oxymoron?!) were convinced the study was bogus and trivialized the deep-seated physical dysfunction of true sufferers. The CFS community waged a long, ultimately successful battle to uncover the methodological errors and outright conflicts of interest that rendered the PACE a case study of bad science. Click HERE for part 2.



Part 2: Price Fixing in the Vitamin Industry

Price-fixing among vitamin manufacturers: Are supplement consumers getting gouged by international cartels? In a blast from the past, Dr. Hoffman interviews a former college roommate, Jon Jacobson, who is now a partner at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosati, a prestigious NY law firm specializing in antitrust litigation. Jon dishes on the history of price-fixing within the vitamin industry and its implications for the consumer. Is this case headed for the Supreme Court? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
October 12, 2016
Do you have more than eight dental fillings? You might have high mercury! How important is hand sanitizing in avoiding contamination from feces? What do you think of OmegaXL, can it help my 97-year-old mother with joint pain? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

My wife was prescribed Metformin for prediabetes, how does this medication work? The last time I had an EBT heart scan my score was zero (yay!), how long should I wait to have another one? Would strontium help my 35-year-old daughter-in-law with bone loss in her jaw? Click HERE for part 1.



The Evolution of Medicine, Part 1
October 11, 2016
The Evolution of Medicine” is a new book by functional medicine impresario James Maskell, a visionary whose goal it is to mainstream natural health care. What’s the future of integrative medicine? Can it be made more scalable and accessible to the masses? Is functional medicine just a fad, or will it ultimately take its place alongside orthodox medicine as a standard care model for the future? How will new technology and “wearables” help usher in a new era of patient care? How can integrative practitioners use simple practice tools to avoid burnout? Click HERE for part 2.



The Evolution of Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with functional medicine impresario James Maskell, a visionary whose goal it is to mainstream natural health care. He's author of "The Evolution of Medicine." Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 8, Part 1
October 9, 2016
A listener reports "I've lost my sense of taste"--what to do? Overdiagnosis: Too many unnecessary PAP smears and colonoscopies? Ben Stiller offers himself up as poster boy for PSA testing--but is he right that the test "saved his life?" Sex before athletic competition? Breakfast before workouts? "My doctor told me to avoid "all supplements" when I take Coumadin; Yoga effective vs. Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Those "brain games" you've been hearing about fail to yield real-world cognitive benefits. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 8, Part 2

What are the limits of human longevity? A listener asks "What supplements can I take to promote exercise recovery?" Women who take birth control pills are more likely to be depressed, require more anti-depressants; Vitamin D during pregnancy reduces likelihood of ADHD in offspring; Controversial Qback Colin Kaepernick goes vegan; Caffeine wards off dementia in women. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
October 7, 2016
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) food sources, symptoms and condition; a sixth taste discovery: starchy carbohydrates.



ENCORE: Sleep, Part 1
October 6, 2016
Sleep Soundly Every Night with Dr. Robert Rosenberg: Sleep is a vital part of your personal health portfolio; 70-80 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems; Overall, our average sleep duration has been curtailed by nearly two hours since 1960; What are the health consequences of lack of sleep? What lifestyle habits promote better sleep? What medications interfere with sleep? What are the main types of sleep disorders? How do you test for sleep problems? What role can melatonin play in addressing sleep problems? How can sleep apnea threaten your life, and how can it be remedied? What are the pros and cons of prescription sleep meds? Click HERE for part 2.


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