The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 29, Part 1
October 31, 2016
Consumption of dark roast coffee protects DNA from strand breaks; Lycopene supplements reverse LDL oxidation; Do greens, seaweed and soy damage the thyroid? I'm going for a physical--what tests should I ask for? I did the Whole30 diet--now what? Martie Whittekin, author of "The Probiotic Cure"--weighs in on Halloween diet perils, repairing the microbiome. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 29, Part 2

Omega 3 supplements help the brain's glymphatic system, protect against neurotoxicity; What to do about foul flatus? Diet for gout; Is there sugar in coconut kefir? What to do about dizziness; Despite negative press, supplement use remains stable among U.S. consumers; Resveratrol lowers testosterone in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) more than birth control pills, metformin; Concern that radiation from too many CT scans can lead to Alzheimer's. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: The New “Sugar” In Town
October 28, 2016
Move over Splenda, Allulose is the new "sugar" in town. But is it safe?; Irregular meal times promote weight gain by influencing circadian rhythms; the top addictive foods.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
October 27, 2016
A new study links a protein in wheat with chronic inflammation—and, no, it’s not gluten! What foods and supplements can my ex-wife take before and after knee replacement surgery? My platelet count is low and my doctor says that fish oil, ginger and garlic could cause a problem, is this true? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Why does one have to continually take probiotics, wouldn’t the gut eventually be seeded with good bacteria? Why does heart valve replacement not cause an immunological reaction? And is it necessary to take blood thinners? Will taking olive leaf extract cure herpes? What is your opinion of the nightshades, healthy and delicious, or dangerous?Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Natural Treatments for MS
October 26, 2016
Dr. H interviews Dr. Terry Wahls, author of "The Wahls Protocol for MS:" Can diet and supplements profoundly alter the course of this progressive neurological disorder?



Clinical Focus: The Ugly Truth About Synthetic Thyroid, Part 1
October 25, 2016
Why do so many hypothyroid patients keep feeling lousy? They complain of brain fog, weight gain, and poor mood, but their doctors assure them that their tests are normal and that maybe they should see a shrink. Why do a high percentage of hypothyroid patients gain weight? Why do they need blood pressure medication, statins and anti-depressants? A new study from Rush Medical School shows that a high percentage of patients on thyroid meds are dissatisfied despite being dosed appropriately. Why the problem? The TSH test, designed to assess thyroid function is deeply flawed. Also, monotherapy with synthetic thyroid (Synthroid, levothryroxine) delivers only T4, not the active T3 that the body needs. So why are thyroid doctors stuck in an obsolete and inadequate paradigm? Click HERE for part 2.



Clinical Focus: The Ugly Truth About Synthetic Thyroid, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his discussion on why thyroid doctors are stuck in an obsolete and inadequate paradigm. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 22, Part 1
October 24, 2016
Dr. H shares observations on his recent trip to Belgium; Is there anything that can be done for advanced breast cancer? Why standard thyroid medications leave hypothyroidism sufferers feeling lousy; Are calcium supplements bad for the heart? Doctor training leaves MDs ignorant about benefits of diet, exercise; You don't need to be a triathlete to enjoy health benefits of exercise; Placebos effective even if subjects know they're taking a sugar pill; Low vitamin D in adolescents is common, and sets stage for middle-aged osteoporosis. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 22, Part 2

Mood changes after chemo; Could oxytocin offer hope for autism, pain, anxiety, wound healing, flagging libido? A caller with sleep apnea, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis and digestive problems; How much screen time for young kids? Is rugby safer than football? Exercise can fend off cognitive decline; Why new Medicare rules may prompt a mass exodus of doctors. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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