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Natural Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome, Part 1
February 16, 2017
Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of factors that raise your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Jim LaValle, author of "Cracking the Metabolic Code," discusses why it's so prevalent. What are the biggest lifestyle factors that contribute to this condition? What about the role of stress, proper sleep, and environment? What is the real underlying risk for people that have metabolic syndrome? What are the right steps to take regarding diet and exercise? Which are the most valuable supplements for treating people at risk for developing Metabolic Syndrome? Click HERE for part 2.



Natural Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jim LaValle, Founder and Chairman of Metabolic Code Enterprises about Metabolic Syndrome and the benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 15, 2017
The extraordinary benefits of EGCG in the treatment of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Can I take all my supplements once instead of twice a day, is there a downside to doing that? Is there evidence that probiotics survive passage through the stomach, and what happens when taking antibiotics? My daily probiotic works very well for me but when my sister takes it she feels very bloated, why? My doctor prefers I take Trazodone for sleep instead of Ambien due to risk of dementia with Ambien, what are your thoughts? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman's Top 10 supplements for 2017: but where are resveratrol and vitamin D? Are any of your recommended supplements not recommended for high blood pressure? Have you heard of Apos therapy and, if so, what do you think of it? Can you comment on the efficacy and safety of using DMSA, DMPS or EDTA orally to remove heavy metals? Click HERE for part 1.



Living Well with Chronic Autoimmune Disease, Part 1
February 14, 2017
"The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook: A DIY Guide to Living Well with Chronic Disease" by MickeyTrescott and Angie Alt. Mickey and Angie are autoimmune disease sufferers and nutritional therapy consultants who learned through personal experience that diet and lifestyle are crucial to recovery. Autoimmune disorders are strikingly prevalent, especially among women. Many suffer from subclinical autoimmunity, which eludes diagnosis. Symptoms may be attributed to anxiety or depression in the absence of confirmatory blood tests, which only emerge after the diseases become full-blown. It’s best to identify and head off autoimmunity early, before serious damage occurs. Patients often need to be their own advocates for proper diagnosis and care. What is it about our modern Western lifestyles that contributes to the pervasiveness of autoimmunity? A comprehensive lifestyle strategy comprising stress management, support, movement, sleep optimization and diet can go a long way towards ameliorating symptoms. Why is the Paleo Diet a cornerstone of autoimmune wellness? Why are nightshades problematic for many sufferers? Click HERE for part 2.



Living Well with Chronic Autoimmune Disease, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with MickeyTrescott and Angie Alt, autoimmune disease sufferers and nutritional therapy consultants. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 11, Part 1
February 13, 2017
EGCG from green tea combats multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, Alzheimer's, heart disease; A caller with a gum infection and joint pain; Is it OK to take EGCG and fish oil while taking Xarelto for atrial fibrillation? Could men's prostate supplements interfere with radiation for prostate cancer? Paleo diet fights MS, reduces all-cause mortality; Acupuncture cost-effective for pain, depression. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 11, Part 2

What to do for urinary discomfort in the absence of bacteria? How to help a child with elevated liver function tests? Glyphosate from "Roundup-ready" GMO products can cause hepatic damage at low concentrations; A caller shares that high-dose fish oil has helped her back pain; Vitamin D and magnesium help metabolic syndrome; Tonsil removal offers only modest, short-term benefits; Could your diet or supplements interfere with your thyroid meds? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
February 10, 2017
Leyla answers this listener question: "I've been using organic, extra-virgin coconut oil in my diet to support my ketogenic lifestyle. What would be the impact if I traded this in for just organic, virgin coconut oil which I can get at a better price?" An overview of the benefits of coconut oil.



Vaccine Safety Challenged, Part 1
February 9, 2017
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, integrative pediatrician, pushes back on the assertion that vaccines are free of harmful effects. They contain harmful substances like mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80 that have never undergone adequate safety studies when injected; they may challenge the immune system to go into “overdrive” promoting autoimmunity and neurological consequences; and the vaccines themselves may offer imperfect protection which could actually make viruses and bacteria more dangerous. Dr. Palevsky believes that in our rush to conquer infectious diseases, we have ignored the potential harms of immunization. He points to the unprecedented pervasiveness of neurodevelopmental disorders in children, which now affect 1 in 6. “There’s no such thing as a ‘safe’ vaccine," he concludes. What options exist for concerned parents? Are vaccine “refuseniks” contributing to the re-emergence of mumps, measles, and whooping cough? Why are scientists and medical professionals who question immunization treated like dangerous heretics? What can be expected from the appointment by President Trump of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head up a vaccine advisory council? Click HERE for part 2.


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