January 2019

January 26

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and month of school enrollment
N Engl J Med 2018; 379:2122-2130  

Randomized, crossover, head-to-head comparison of EPA and DHA supplementation to reduce inflammation markers in men and women: the Comparing EPA to DHA Study
Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Aug;104(2):280-7 

Substances in coffee may protect against Parkinson’s Disease and dementia and Lewy Bodies, a new animal study suggests
NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Dec 10, 2018

Fungi cause brain infection and memory impairment in mice
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 58 (2019)  

For 30 years I’ve been obsessed by why children get leukemia. Now we have an answer
Robin McKie, The Guardian  December 30, 2018

Doctors save man by pumping 15 cans of beer into his body
BY ARISTOS GEORGIOU  Newsweek  1/17/19   

Folic acid supplement use and breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: a case-control study
Breast Cancer Res Treat (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10549-018-05118-3  Jan2, 2019

The new gray market: As older users warm up to cannabis, pot companies want to learn more
By Vanmala Subramaniam January 22, 2019

The myth of exercise, metabolism and weight loss
By Stephen Perrine, AARP The Magazine, December 2018/January 2019

90-year-old U.S. cyclist fails doping test, loses crown
Agence France-Presse January 5, 2019

Knee osteoarthritis and menopausal hormone therapy in postmenopausal women
Menopause: December 21, 2018 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – p 

Lipoic acid helps restore, synchronize ‘biological clock’
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014

Outpatient antibiotic prescription trends in the United States: A national cohort study
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, Volume 39, Issue 5 May 2018, pp. 584-589

Association of fried food consumption with all cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: prospective cohort study
BMJ 2019;364:k5420  

January 19

Enhanced pharmacological ascorbate oxidation radiosensitizes pancreatic cancer
Radiat Res. 2018 Oct 30. doi: 10.1667/RR15189.1. 

Green tea steeped in bottled water increases antioxidants
Nutrients 201911(1), 80 

Americans spend nearly half their waking hours looking at screens
By Ben Renner, January 15, 2019

Teens likely to crave junk food after watching TV ads
by Cancer Research UK. 

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome linked with non-celiac wheat sensitivity
Columbia University Medical Center

Eating more fiber and whole grains may mean a lower risk of death and disease
Published: January 10, 2019  

Common food additive derails good exercise habits
Circulation. Published January 7, 2018 

Vitamin D pills lower COPD exacerbation risk
Thorax Jan 2019

We are currently getting this seriously wrong: EAT-Lancet issues targets for healthy, sustainable diets
Lancet January 16, 2019

January 5

Effects of intermittent and continuous calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism over 50 wk: a randomized controlled trial
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018; 108 (5): 933   

How ‘Dry January’ is the secret to better sleep, saving money and losing weight
ScienceDaily, December 28, 2018

Egg metabolites in blood related to lower risk of type 2 diabetes
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2018; 1800605 

Change in genome of caucasians could explain higher rates of esophageal cancer
Gastroenterology, 2018; DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.12.004  

Exposure to Cannabis Alters the Genetic Profile of Sperm
Duke Health, Published December 19, 2018 | Updated January 9, 2019

UK scientists test breathalyzer for detecting early cancers
Press Association , Wed 2 Jan 2019

Broccoli compound lowers risk of obesity and helps treat diabetes
Mercola, June 26, 2017 

Opioids offer little chronic pain benefit and wane over time
By Anna Woodbury, MD, Journal of the American Medical Association, March 2015

Diet soda habit associated with blinding diabetes complications
Clinical & Experimental Opthalmology 2018; 46: 767-776

Association between intake of non-sugar sweeteners and health outcomes: systemic review and meta-analyses of randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials and observational studies
BMJ 2019;364:k4718 

The relationship between vitamin C status, the GUT-Liver Axis and metabolic syndrome
Redox Biology, Available online 26 December 2018, 101091  

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