Natural Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Part 1


Dr. Courtney Craig, herself a sufferer of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, first diagnosed at age 16, has made CFS/ME her professional focus. She is author of "All My Test Results Are Normal: A Smart Guide to Testing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." She discusses her decades-long personal journey towards wellness and improved productivity. What are current theories about the causation of CFS? Why is it often relegated to a “waste basket diagnosis”? Are there objective tests for CFS? Why do some persist in claiming it’s a psychological condition? The controversial role of “graded exercise” for CFS recovery; The possible benefits of a Keto diet or intermittent fasting; Mitochondrial support? Microbiome diversity? Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplements? Low-dose naltrexone (LDN)? Antivirals? Ampligen? Cortene? How have the “Millions Missing Marches” dramatized the plight of CFS sufferers? Click HERE for part 2.

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