The Latest Threat to the Doctor/Patient Relationship, Part 1


"Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth about Electronic Medical Records," by Twila Brase, RN, PHN, President and Co-Founder of Citizens for Health Freedom ( She describes the latest threat to the doctor/patient relationship. While seeming to improve efficiency, Brase asserts that electronic medical records are actually a means of insurance company and government control. The records are insecure, decidedly not confidential, widely shared, and subject to hacks. They’re burdensome, time-consuming, and a major reason for physician burnout. They change the nature of the doctor/patient encounter, with physicians spending more time peering into a screen and less time making eye contact with patients. Brase discusses alternatives, and how medical care can be made more affordable and more efficient without reliance on an ever-growing cadre of benefit managers and government bureaucrats. Click HERE for part 2.

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