The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Leyla Weighs In: Raw Poultry & Red Meats
August 30, 2019
USDA study advises against washing raw poultry, red meats.



The Deceit Behind Generic-Drug Manufacturing, Part 1
August 29, 2019
Few realize that generic (copy-cat) drugs comprise nearly 90% of the drug supply in the U.S.; they seem like a reasonable, cost-effective alternative to astronomically-priced brand name drugs, but generics are often made under poorly-regulated conditions in India and China. And even if you take brand name drugs, their ingredients are likely to originate overseas. Virtually all antibiotics taken in the U.S. are made offshore. In "Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom," investigative journalist Katherine Eban blows the lid off the generic drug industry. How did we become so dependent on foreign manufacturers? How do unscrupulous non-U.S. companies cut corners on quality? What tricks do they employ to deceive inspectors? How can drug adulteration literally threaten your life? What’s the government doing about it? She offers advice to consumers on her website Click HERE for part 2.



The Deceit Behind Generic-Drug Manufacturing, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with investigative journalist Katherine Eban, author of "Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Fluoridated Water
August 28, 2019
Drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy may lower IQ in sons; Here's to mentors!; I can run a 7 1/2-minute mile run one day but then the very next day I'm out of breath doing a 9-minute mile. Why?; I'm allergic to poison oak and now get welts and bumps where I've had severe outbreaks in the past when exposed to it. Does this make sense? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Thinning Hair

I've been taking MK-7 for years but found out I have plaque all over the place! Have my bad habits caught up with me?; My 76-year-old father has Parkinson's and lately was found to have a very low white blood cell, red blood cell and hemoglobin counts. Can you shed any light on this?; Three months ago I noticed that my hair is thinning and my eyebrows are disappearing. I don't have anemia and my thyroid is normal. How should I begin to investigate this? Click HERE for part 1.



Natural Skin Care, Part 1
August 27, 2019
When autoimmune disease undermined her skin health, nutritionist Ginger Downey, MS, CNS, sought natural solutions. She offers diet tips for skin optimization, emphasizing that what you feed your skin is as important as what you put on your skin. Downey underscores the importance of the microbiome, and links skin disorders to leaky gut syndrome. She enumerates the ingredients to avoid in skin products, and highlights which are beneficial. What vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutraceuticals support skin wellness? As a principal in DermaMed Solutions, a company that supplies spa owners, dermatologists and plastic surgeons with innovative skin solutions, Downey discusses microdermabrasion, lasers, and other rejuvenative skin procedures. As Executive Director of the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS) she describes the CNS credential that validates the expertise of nutrition health professionals. Click HERE for part 2.



Natural Skin Care, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ginger Downey, MS, CNS. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 24, Part 1
August 26, 2019 has lost control of its 3rd party vendors—why you shouldn’t trust Amazon for your nutritional supplements; Managing acoustic neuromas; Will the shingles vaccine reactivate old herpes infections? Low vitamin D spells mood troubles for adolescents; Ginkgo biloba for type 2 diabetes; You don’t need Lipitor, you just need a Labrador; Pollution is driving us crazy—literally; Science confirms: “Smoke gets in your eyes”. E-cigs as bad as real cigs when it comes to lung damage. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 24, Part 2

How weird is direct-to-consumer drug advertising? How low can you go with cholesterol? Blood test reveals whether you’ll be dead in 10 years—REALLY? High fructose corn syrup is a calorie bomb—and it’s a Trojan Horse for toxic mercury; Is preparing broccoli and kale in a Vitamix blender as nutritious as just eating it? Do antibiotics hike your risk for colon cancer? If you’re diabetic, will fish oil supplements worsen your blood sugar? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: Anemia and Dementia
August 23, 2019
Anemia linked to higher odds for dementia in seniors.


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