

Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
July 4, 2018
If insufficient sleep can contribute to Alzheimer's, is taking Klonopin preferable to sleep deprivation? Is there any downside to taking magnesium citrate for constipation instead a polyethylene glycol laxative? How to fuel your workout: if not eating before cardio facilitates fat-burning, what’s the best meal timing for optimal strength training? Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 23, 2018
Time-restricted feeding helps with insulin sensitivity and lowers blood pressure. Ever Since I’ve been a teenager, my stomach protrudes. Recently I suffered a stomach virus and the problem went away. What gives? Can you get enough vitamin D if you spend a half hour in the sun in northern California during summer? How beneficial is magnesium malate in chelating heavy metals from the body? Which type of magnesium should I take at night for sleep? Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
May 16, 2018
What can help the discomfort from oral lichen planus? Are there supplements or treatments for vaginal lichen sclerosis? A listener takes Trazadone for sleep because nothing else works, any interactions to be concerned about? And a bonus primer on "sleep hygiene" from Leyla. Click HERE for part 1.




One of the Worst Treated Conditions in Western Medicine, Part 1
May 15, 2018
Dr. Sarah Myhill is one of Britain’s foremost experts on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or as it’s sometimes referred to there, Myalgic Encephalitis (ME). In her book, “Sustainable Medicine,” she claims that “CFS is one of the worst treated conditions in Western Medicine.” Patients are sometimes told to just exercise, or undergo psychotherapy, to recover. Myhill vociferously disagrees, asserting: “Its mitochondria, not hypochondria!” She dismisses the notorious PACE study, which had become the standard of care for CFS sufferers with “graded exercise,” as scientific fraud. How do you repair the mitochondria and boost their function? Why is the Paleo-Ketogenic Diet central to recovery? What does the ATP profile test tell us about mitochondrial function? Dr. Myhill’s pioneering studies document objective improvements in patients’ cellular energetics, in addition to subjective reports of symptom amelioration. What are the five basic supplements she recommends? Why are support of thyroid and adrenal function critical? What role for sleep? How do infections undermine mitochondrial efficiency? Why is detoxification so important for some CFS sufferers? How do heat treatments and chelation help? Dr. Myhill continues to campaign for the rights of CFS patients to be properly diagnosed and treated in the face of what she terms “systemic medical abuse.” Click HERE for part 2.




One of the Worst Treated Conditions in Western Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Sarah Myhill, one of Britain’s foremost experts on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and author of "Sustainable Medicine: Whistle-Blowing on 21st-Century Medical Practice." Click HERE for part 1.




The Epidemic of Diabetes, Part 1
May 3, 2018
Dr. David Perlmutter is America’s foremost Integrative neurologist and pioneering author of "Grain Brain." Five years after its publication, with over a million copies sold worldwide in twenty languages, he reflects on its success and the vindication of its central tenets: That America’s low-fat high/carb mania has promoted an epidemic of diabetes, just when optimal blood sugar is gaining recognition as fundamental to brain health; that gluten is demonstrably harmful via its effects on gut permeability; and that fat and cholesterol phobia has deprived our brains of essential nutrients. He emphasizes the centrality of exercise to prevention and reversal of dementia. The latest research underlies the concept of neuroplasticity—that the adult brain has the capacity to repair and regenerate. What newly-discovered factor helps to literally regrow brain cells? Does genetics dictate our neurological fate? Or can lifestyle overcome our heredity? What roles for sleep? Stress reduction? Coffee? Alcohol? Bio-identical hormone replacement? The microbiome? Cannabinoids? Ketogenic diet? What drugs take a toll on brain function? Dr. Perlmutter will soon be featured nationwide in a PBS Special entitled “Dr. Perlmutter’s Whole Life Plan”. Click HERE for part 2.




The Nutraceuticals of the Decade? Part 1
May 1, 2018
There’s more to hemp than just CBD (cannabidiol). So says Carl Germano, expert on cannabinoids and Vice President of Verdant Oasis, a quality manufacturer and supplier of hemp-sourced products. Germano explains the “Entourage Effect” whereby numerous compounds in hemp act synergistically on a multitude of physiological pathways. Natural plant-derived cannabinoids have the potential to be the nutraceuticals of the decade. They have been used in folk medicine for nervous disorders and painful conditions for millennia. What’s their utility for headaches? For back pain? As an alternative to opiates and NSAIDs? For insomnia? To prevent and reverse osteoporosis? For ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease? For skin problems? To support athletic performance and recovery? For neurodegenerative disorders? Even for cancer? Why has hemp been unfairly stigmatized? What’s its legal status? How do the various delivery systems compare: oral capsules, tinctures, vaping, vs. topical application? Germano details what consumers should look for in terms of quality considerations. As a postscript, in light of his authorship of The Osteoporosis Solution, Germano weighs in on the bone benefits of ipriflavone.




The Nutraceuticals of the Decade? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Carl Germano, expert on cannabinoids and Vice President of Verdant Oasis, a quality manufacturer and supplier of hemp-sourced products.




CBD (Cannabidiol)—could it be the nutraceutical of the year? Part 1
March 27, 2018
Retired military physician and West Point graduate Philip Blair, MD is an internationally-recognized expert on CBD: What is it? Is it legal? Why are hemp sources of CBD preferred over marijuana-derived CBD? Will it make you high? Uncoordinated? Are there other untoward effects? Addiction or dependency potential? What does research tell us about the endocannabinoid system? Does CBD have the potential to alleviate pain and help curb the opioid epidemic? What can CBD do for anxiety, depression or PTSD? For head injuries? For neurodegenerative disorders? Seizures? As a sleep aid? GI ailments? What’s the basis of its anti-inflammatory effects? Can it address skin disorders and promote healing? Does it enhance athletic performance and speed recovery time? What’s the difference between tinctures, oral capsules, liposomal forms, topical lotions, and vaping solutions? Why is the “entourage effect” important? Can pets benefit from CBD? How do you evaluate the quality of CBD products? Click HERE for part 2. And click HERE for the article, "The Scientific Evidence Proving CBD’s Benefits," for more information.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
March 14, 2018
It's National Nutrition Month! An opportunity to focus on good nutrition for a healthy life; A review of products to enhance your ketogenic diet; No evidence to support the practice of rotating probiotics; Can CBD/Hemp Oil help with reducing anxiety, pain from sciatica and sleep? Click HERE for part 2.



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An All-Natural Approach to Upper Respiratory and Oral Care Health, Part 2
