Nutrition & Weight


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 29, Part 2
October 1, 2018
A caller claims his blood pressure meds make his tinnitus worse; Even mild physical activity rapidly boosts memory; Vitamin D deficiency associated with shrinkage of brain’s memory center; Dairy—even high-fat versions—lowers risk of heart disease and all-cause mortality; Skin cancer treatment and prevention options; New study confirms the anti-inflammatory effects of fruits and vegetables; Walnuts slash cardio risk, don’t cause weight gain; Heavy metal toxicity—with aluminum, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead—implicated in autism; Time-restricted feeding (TRF) can override unhealthy circadian rhythm disruption. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 22, Part 1
September 24, 2018
The terrible health legacy of Hurricane Florence—overflowing hog lagoons, leaking coal ash pits, toxic mold; New Apple Watch ECG—boon or bane? What if you’re thyroid tests are off but you feel fine? A fix for nighttime leg cramps; Green tea vs. uterine fibroids; Mediterranean diet lowers stroke risk—is it the olive oil? Kids are going back to school with toxic school supplies; Treatments for enlarged prostate. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
September 12, 2018
Aspirin disappoints for avoiding first heart attack and stroke. "I follow a low carb diet but have to avoid acidic foods due to my Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)—isn’t all that animal protein bad?" Replacing the fat pad on the bottom of the foot. "I drink iced tea from morning til bedtime, does all that caffeine affect my blood pressure?" Click HERE for part 2.




Leyla Weighs In: Dairy Alternatives
September 7, 2018
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin addresses the issue of protein substitutes for dairy and answers this listener question: "What do you think of smoothies made with almond milk, berries, and an organic vegetable protein powder?" Plus, L-glutamine in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. And thoughts on the "5 Evidence-Based Dietary Tips to Share With Your Patients".




ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 1, Part 1
September 3, 2018
Listeners respond to my “24 Ways to Transform Our Healthcare System”; Oncologists to study keto diet as way of augmenting chemo efficacy for cancer; Vitamin D may help alleviate overactive bladder; Brain stimulation to reduce aggressive behavior (shades of Clockwork Orange?); New Alzheimer’s drug breakthrough—or another flash in the pan? A caller wonders if a recent tick bite could be the cause of a new allergy to meat products; Are any supplements helpful for diverticulosis? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.




How to Get Your Kids to Eat a Healthy Diet, Part 1
August 30, 2018
Health innovator Dr. Dina Rose, author of “It’s Not About the Broccoli: Three Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating,” inveighs against parents’ efforts to get kids to “just try it”. Her approach emphasizes proportion, variety, and moderation. She wants to make introducing new foods an exploration—not a contest of wills. To that end, she’s developed a unique educational tool—The Super Food Explorer Kit. Widening kids’ diet requires patience and ingenuity. Why it’s important not to resign yourself to feeding kids only a narrow range of “favorite” foods. What’s “sensory-based food education”? Why does Dr. Rose claim “nutrition is irrelevant”? Are kids’ palates hard-wired to reject vegetables and exotic foods? How do you deal with over-eaters? Is it right to reward kids with ordinarily “forbidden” foods? What’s wrong with “Finish your dinner, and then you can have dessert”? Can parents and caregivers be overly stringent, engendering backlash? How do you handle treat-laden holidays like Halloween, Easter, and Christmas? What food policies would Dr. Rose like to see changed to advance kids’ health? Click HERE for part 2.




How to Get Your Kids to Eat a Healthy Diet, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with health innovator Dr. Dina Rose, author of “It’s Not About the Broccoli: Three Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating.” Click HERE for part 1.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
August 29, 2018
Retraction needed! People die faster using complementary medicine for cancer; "My WBC count has been trending downwards but vitamin C has helped to boost it back up again. Is there anything else I can take to increase my neutrophil count?" "What is your take on CBD oil?" "20 years ago, the Specific Carbohydrate diet cured my ulcerative colitis, and now the Whole 30 diet has reduced my weight and joint pain--thank you!" Click HERE for part 2.




Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Difficulty swallowing vitamins? Recommendation for a multivitamin without iron? For someone without digestive or sleep issues, which form of magnesium is recommended? Does dairy have deleterious health effects? Is there an exception with kefir? Copper supplementation for cancer survivors? Click HERE for part 1.




Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 25, Part 2
August 27, 2018
Survey of meat consumption shows countries with highest intake have longest life expectancies; Survival plummets when carbs replace saturated fats; Best supplements for inositol/choline? The healthiest level of alcohol consumption is ZERO; Can the supplement DIM lower a man’s testosterone? Dehydration affects brain performance; Water repletion restores normal blood pressure in most sufferers of weakness and lightheadedness; Is the annual PAP smear overkill for most women? Even one night’s sleep deprivation causes muscle loss, fat accumulation, and inflammation. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Are antibody tests for COVID-19 reliable?
