ENCORE: The Cannabis Cure, Part 1


The Cannabis Cure, a book by herbal expert Dr. Cass Ingram, is the subject of today’s podcast. It’s not about getting high, according to Dr. Ingram. Cannabis was first recorded as an herbal remedy in the writings of the Chinese emperor Shen Neng around 2,000 B.C. Today, researchers have been able to optimize its healing effects. Conditions found to be responsive to cannabinoid therapy include headaches and migraines, pain syndromes, glaucoma, insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia and delayed onset muscle soreness, colitis and Crohn’s, seizure disorders and neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s Disease and MS. Dr.Ingram favors an herbal formula called “Hempinol” as an over-the-counter alternative to purified cannabidiol (CBD) extracts which may be too strong and are of questionable legality. Hemp oil can be taken sublingually or applied topically. How does it work? What is the “endocannabinoid” system? Does hemp oil make you drowsy, uncoordinated or stoned? Click HERE for part 2.

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