The Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract, Part 1


Does aging make garlic better? That’s the headline in a recent edition of the Wall Street Journal which prominently features Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. Jay Levy, Director of Sales for Wakunaga America, dishes on the benefits of Aged Garlic Extract. Over 750 studies have been performed on this unique Kyolic ingredient. Benefits have been seen for retarding the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque, as well as for optimizing blood pressure within normal limits. Studies have confirmed that Aged Garlic Extract is compatible with many prescription cardiovascular medications. Additional benefits have been seen for supporting immunity in infectious diseases and cancer. What’s the history behind Aged Garlic Extract's discovery? How is it manufactured? What’s the optimal daily dosage? How does it differ from ordinary garlic extracts? What are the unique properties of S-allyl cysteine (SAC)? Why is allicin not present in Kyolic? Jay Levy reviews the wide selection of Kyolic formulations now available. Click HERE for part 2.

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