Replenishing Cells, Increasing Energy. Part 1


Update on Lipid Replacement Therapy with NT Factor. John Casey, founder and CEO of Nutritional Therapeutics, Inc (NTI) explains the rationale behind a unique ingredient, NT Factor. A special formulation of phospholipids derived from natural food sources, NT Factor replenishes cell membranes, crucial to energy metabolism. It also acts as a delivery system to enhance bio-availability of critical nutrients. As we age, in disease states or under stress, membrane glycolipids are damaged and depleted, resulting in impaired cellular and mitochondrial function. This is the underlying mechanism behind a wide array of degenerative disorders, chronic fatigue, as well as aging in general. John Casey details research validating the supporting role NT Factor may play in chemo fatigue, CFS, Gulf War Syndrome, post-Lyme symptoms and aging; Is NT Factor compatible with medications? Who’s a candidate for NT Factor? What forms are available? What is Propax? How long does it take to work? Is it safe to take with medications?Click HERE for part 2.

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