ENCORE: Natural Treatment of Fibromyalgia, Part 1


Everything you ever wanted to know about fibromyalgia. Dr. Ginevra Liptan, author of "The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor," and herself a recovered fibromyalgia sufferer, outlines a comprehensive integrative approach for this elusive condition. How is fibromyalgia diagnosed? What may trigger it? Is there a genetic component? Is it “all in your head?" What is the 4R treatment program for fibromyalgia? How does sleep fit in? What medications can be used selectively in fibromyalgia? What supplements are beneficial? What role does diet play? Hormones? Stress reduction techniques? Why is repairing the gut important? How can myofascial therapy help? Click HERE for part 2.

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